-SHELLY, Prometheus Unbound Part One TERRA INCOGNITA Hell is the place of those who have denied; They find there what they planted and what dug. A Lake of Spaces, and a Wood of Nothing, And wander there and drift, and never cease Wailing for substance. -W.B. YEATS, The Hour Glass 1 The air was electric the day the thief crossed the city, certain that tonight, after so many weeks of frustration, he would finally locate the card-player. It was not an easy journey. Eighty-five percent of Warsaw had been leveled, either by the months of mortar bombardment that had preceded the Russian liberation of the city, or by the program of demolition the Nazis had undertaken before their retreat. Several sectors were virtually impassable by vehicle. Mountains of rubble-still nurturing the dead like bulbs ready to sprout as the spring weather warmed-clogged the streets. Even in the mo