《roundabout to boston》阅读目录
Roundabout to Bostonby William Dean HowellsDuring the four years of my life in Venice the literary intention waspresent with me at all times and in all places. I wrote many things inverse, which I sent to the magazines in every part of the English-speaking world, but they came unerringly back to me, except in threeinstances only, when they were kept by the editors who finally printedthem. One of these pieces was published in the Atlantic Monthly; anotherin Harpers Magazine; the third was got into the New York Ledger throughthe kindness of Doctor Edward Everett Hale, who used I know not whatmighty magic to that end. I had not yet met him; but he interestedhimself in my ballad as if it had been his own. His brother, CharlesHale, later Consul-General for Egypt, whom I saw almost every moment ofthe two visits he paid Venice in my time, had sent it to him, after...
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