《the white mr. longfellow》阅读目录
The White Mr. Longfellowby William Dean HowellsWe had expected to stay in Boston only until we could find a house in OldCambridge. This was not so simple a matter as it might seem; for theancient town had not yet quickened its scholarly pace to the modern step.Indeed, in the spring of 1866 the impulse of expansion was not yetvisibly felt anywhere; the enormous material growth that followed thecivil war had not yet begun. In Cambridge the houses to be let were few,and such as there were fell either below our pride or rose above ourpurse. I wish I might tell how at last we bought a house; we had nomoney, but we were rich in friends, who are still alive to shrink fromthe story of their constant faith in a financial future which wesometimes doubted, and who backed their credulity with their credit.It is sufficient for the present record, which professes to be strictly...
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