《the village watch-tower》阅读目录
The Village Watch-Towerby Kate Douglas WigginDear old apple-tree, under whose gnarled branches thesestories were written, to you I dedicate the book. My head wasso close to you, who can tell from whence the thoughts came?I only know that when all the other trees in the orchard were barren,there were always stories to be found under your branches, and so itis our joint book, dear apple-tree. Your pink blossoms have fallenon the page as I wrote; your ruddy fruit has dropped into my lap;the sunshine streamed through your leaves and tipped my pencil with gold.The birds singing in your boughs may have lent a sweet note hereand there; and do you remember the day when the gentle shower came?We just curled the closer, and you and I and the sky all criedtogether while we wrote "The Fore-Room Rug."It should be a lovely book, dear apple-tree, but alas!...
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