The Two Brothersby Honore de BalzacTranlated by Katharine Prescott WormeleyDEDICATIONTo Monsieur Charles Nodier, member of the French Academy, etc.Here, my dear Nodier, is a book filled with deeds that arescreened from the action of the laws by the closed doors ofdomestic life; but as to which the finger of God, often calledchance, supplies the place of human justice, and in which themoral is none the less striking and instructive because it ispointed by a scoffer.To my mind, such deeds contain great lessons for the Familyand for Maternity. We shall some day realize, perhaps toolate, the effects produced by the diminution of paternalauthority. That authority, which formerly ceased only at thedeath of the father, was the sole human tribunal before whichdomestic crimes could be arraigned; kings themselves, on...
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