50 Bab Balladsby W. S. GilbertPREFACE.THE "BAB BALLADS" appeared originally in the columns of "FUN,"when that periodical was under the editorship of the late TOM HOOD.They were subsequently republished in two volumes, one called "THEBAB BALLADS," the other "MORE BAB BALLADS." The period duringwhich they were written extended over some three or four years;many, however, were composed hastily, and under the discomfortingnecessity of having to turn out a quantity of lively verse by acertain day in every week. As it seemed to me (and to others) thatthe volumes were disfigured by the presence of these hastilywritten impostors, I thought it better to withdraw from bothvolumes such Ballads as seemed to show evidence of carelessness orundue haste, and to publish the remainder in the compact form under...
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