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马基雅维里 君主论英文prince-第13章

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never in peaceful times stand idle; but increase his resources with

industry in such a way that they may be available to him in adversity;

so that if fortune changes it may find him prepared to resist her blows。




IT REMAINS now to see what ought to be the rules of conduct for a prince

towards subject and friends。 And as I know that many have written on

this point; I expect I shall be considered presumptuous in mentioning it

again; especially as in discussing it I shall depart from the methods of

other people。 But; it being my intention to write a thing which shall be

useful to him who apprehends it; it appears to me more appropriate to

follow up the real truth of a matter than the imagination of it; for

many have pictured republics and principalities which in fact have never

been known or seen; because how one lives is so far distant from how one

ought to live; that he who neglects what is done for what ought to be

done; sooner effects his ruin than his preservation; for a man who

wishes to act entirely up to his professions of virtue soon meets with

what destroys him among so much that is evil。

Hence it is necessary for a prince wishing to hold his own to know how

to do wrong; and to make use of it or not according to necessity。

Therefore; putting on one side imaginary things concerning a prince; and

discussing those which are real; I say that all men when they are spoken

of; and chiefly princes for being more highly placed; are remarkable for

some of those qualities which bring them either blame or praise; and

thus it is that one is reputed liberal; another miserly; using a Tuscan

term (because an avaricious person in our language is still he who

desires to possess by robbery; whilst we call one miserly who deprives

himself too much of the use of his own); one is reputed generous; one

rapacious; one cruel; one passionate; one faithless; another

faithful; one effeminate and cowardly; another bold and brave; one

affable; another haughty; one lascivious; another chaste; one sincere;

another cunning; one hard; another easy; one grave; another frivolous;

one religious; another unbelieving; and the like。 And I know that every

one will confess that it would be most praiseworthy in a prince to

exhibit all the above qualities that are considered good; but because

they can neither be entirely possessed nor observed; for human

conditions do not permit it; it is necessary for him to be sufficiently

prudent that he may know how to avoid the reproach of those vices which

would lose him his state; and also to keep himself; if it be possible;

from those which would not lose him it; but this not being possible; he

may with less hesitation abandon himself to them。 And again; he need not

make himself uneasy at incurring a reproach for those vices without

which the state can only be saved with difficulty; for if everything is

considered carefully; it will be found that something which looks like

virtue; if followed; would be his ruin; whilst something else; which

looks like vice; yet followed brings him security and prosperity。



MENCING then with the first of the above…named characteristics; I say

that it would be well to be reputed liberal。 Nevertheless; liberality

exercised in a way that does not bring you the reputation for it;

injures you; for if one exercises it honestly and as it should be

exercised; it may not bee known; and you will not avoid the reproach

of its opposite。 Therefore; any one wishing to maintain among men the

name of liberal is obliged to avoid no attribute of magnificence; so

that a prince thus inclined will consume in such acts all his property;

and will be pelled in the end; if he wish to maintain the name of

liberal; to unduly weigh down his people; and tax them; and do

everything he can to get money。 This will soon make him odious to his

subjects; and being poor he will be little valued by any one; thus;

with his liberality; having offended many and rewarded few; he is

affected by the very first trouble and imperilled by whatever may be the

first danger; recognizing this himself; and wishing to draw back from

it; he runs at once into the reproach of being miserly。

Therefore; a prince; not being able to exercise this virtue of

liberality in such a way that it is recognized; except to his cost; if

he is wise he ought not to fear the reputation of being mean; for in

time he will e to be more considered than if liberal; seeing that

with his economy his revenues are enough; that he can defend himself

against all attacks; and is able to engage in enterprises without

burdening his people; thus it es to pass that he exercises liberality

towards all from whom he does not take; who are numberless; and meanness

towards those to whom he does not give; who are few。

We have not seen great things done in our time except by those who have

been considered mean; the rest have failed。 Pope Julius the Second was

assisted in reaching the papacy by a reputation for liberality; yet he

did not strive afterwards to keep it up; when he made war on the King of

France; and he made many wars without imposing any extraordinary tax on

his subjects; for he supplied his additional expenses out of his long

thriftiness。 The present King of Spain would not have undertaken or

conquered in so many enterprises if he had been reputed liberal。 A

prince; therefore; provided that he has not to rob his subjects; that he

can defend himself; that he does not bee poor and abject; that he is

not forced to bee rapacious; ought to hold of little account a

reputation for being mean; for it is one of those vices which will

enable him to govern。

And if any one should say: Caesar obtained empire by liberality; and

many others have reached the highest positions by having been liberal;

and by being considered so; I answer: Either you are a prince in fact;

or in a way to bee one。 In the first case this liberality is

dangerous; in the second it is very necessary to be considered liberal;

and Caesar was one of those who wished to bee pre…eminent in Rome;

but if he had survived after being so; and had not moderated his

expenses; he would have destroyed his government。 And if any one should

reply: Many have been princes; and have done great things with armies;

who have been considered very liberal; I reply: Either a prince spends

that which is his own or his subjects' or else that of others。 In the

first case he ought to be sparing; in the second he ought not to neglect

any opportunity for liberality。 And to the price who goes forth with his

army; supporting it by pillage; sack; and extortion; handling that which

belongs to others; this liberality is necessary; otherwise he would not

be followed by soldiers。 And of that which is neither yours nor your

subjects' you can be a ready giver; as were Cyrus; Caesar; and

Alexander; because it does not take away your reputation if you squander

that of others; but adds to it; it is only squandering your own that

injures you。

And there is nothing wastes so rapidly as liberality; for even whilst

you exercise it you lose the power to do so; and so bee either poor

or despised; or else; in avoiding poverty; rapacious and hated。 And a

prince should guard himself; above all things; against being despised

and hated; and liberality leads you to both。 Therefore it is wiser to

have a reputation for meanness which brings reproach without hatred;

than to be pelled through seeking a reputation for liberality to

incur a name for rapacity which begets reproach with hatred。




ING now to the other qualities mentioned above; I say that every

prince ought to desire to be considered clement and not cruel。

Nevertheless he ought to t
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