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ight have to do if the walls were harmed。 Alone; the High Lord stood and faced the dark encampment of Satansfist's hordes…stood below the snapping Furl; which was already ragged in the sharp wind; planted the iron heel of his staff on the stone; and faced the encircling enemy as if his were the hand which held the oute of the siege。
    In the gray dimness toward evening; the ur…viles built another catapult。 Beyond the reach of arrows; they constructed a stronger machine; one capable of throwing their power across the additional ground。 But High Lord Mhoram summoned no aid。 When the black spew of corrosion was launched; it had farther to travel; it was beyond the mand of its makers for a longer time。 Mhoram's blue power lashed out at it as it reached the top of its arc。 A fervid lightning of Lords…fire bolted into the vitriol; weakened its momentum; caused it to fall short。 Splashing angrily; effectlessly; it crashed to the earth; and burned a morbid hole like a charnel pit in the frozen dirt。
    The ur…viles withdrew; returned to the garish watch fires which burned throughout the army for the sake of the misborn creatures that needed light。 After a time; Mhoram rubbed the strain from his forehead; and called Lord Loerya to take his place。
    During the blind night; three more catapults were built in the safety of distance; then brought forward to attack Revelstone。 None of them assaulted the tower; two of them threw at the walls of the main Keep from the north; one from the south。 But each time the defenders were able to react quickly。 The loremasters' exertion of power as they cocked the machines radiated a palpable impression up at the battlements; and this emanation warned the Keep of each new assault。 Archers waiting with lor…liarill arrows raced to respond。
    They gained light to aim with by driving arrows into the ground near the catapults; in the sudden revealing fires; they destroyed two of the new threats as they had destroyed the first。 But the third remained beyond bowshot; and attacked the south wall from a position out of Loerya's reach。 Yet this assault was defeated also。 In a moment of inspiration; the Haft manding the archers ordered them to direct their shafts at the acid as it arced toward the Keep。 The archers fired a dozen shafts in rapid succession into the gout of fluid; and succeeded in breaking it apart; so that it spattered against the stone in weaker pieces and did little harm。
    Fortunately; there were no more attacks that night。 All the new Gildenlode arrows had been used; and the process of making more was slow and difficult。 Throughout the next day also there were no attacks; though the sentries could see ur…viles building catapults in the distance。 No move was made against Revelstone until deep in the chattering darkness of midnight。 Then alarms rang through the Keep; calling all its defenders from their work or rest。 In the wind…torn light of arrows aflame like torches in the frozen earth; the Lords and Hirebrands and Gravelingases and warriors and Lorewardens saw ten catapults being cranked into position beyond the range of the archers。
    Orders hummed through the stone of the Keep。 Men and women dashed to take their places。 In moments; a Lord or a team of defenders stood opposite each catapult。 As the cups were filled; Revelstone braced itself for the onslaught of power。
    At the flash of a dank green signal from Satansfist; the ten catapults threw。
    The defense outlined Revelstone in light; cast so much bright orange; yellow; and blue fire from the walls that the whole plateau blazed in the darkness like a conflagration of defiance。 Working together from the tower; Mhoram and Amatin threw bolts of power which cast down two of the vitriol attacks。 From the plateau atop Revelstone; the Lords Trevor and Loerya used their advantage of height to help them each deflect one cupful of corrosion into the ground。
    Two of the remaining attacks were torn apart by Hearthrall Borillar's arrows。 Using a piece of orcrest given to them by Hearthrall Tohrm; and a lomillialor rod obtained from Lord Amatin; teams of Lorewardens erected barriers which consumed most of the virulence in two assaults; prevented them from doing any irrecoverable damage。
    Gravelingases met the last two throws of the ur…viles。 With one partner; Tohrm had positioned himself on a balcony directly in front of one catapult。 They stood on either side of a stone vat of graveling; and sang a deep rhadhamaerl song which slowly brought their mortal flesh into harmony with the mounting radiance of the fire…stones。 While the ur…viles filled the cup of the machine; Tohrm and his panion thrust their arms into the graveling; pushed their lore…preserved hands deep among the fire…stones near the sides of the vat。 There they waited in the golden heat; singing their earthish song until the catapult threw and the vitriol sprang toward them。
    In the last instant; they heaved a double armful of graveling up at the black gout。 The two powers collided scant feet above their heads; and the force of the impact knocked them flat on the balcony。 The wet corrosion of the acid turned the graveling instantly to cinders; but in turn the rhadhamaerl might of the fire…stones burned away the acid before the last drop of it touched Tohrm or Revelstone。
    The other pair of Gravelingases were not so successful。 They mistimed their countering heave; and as a result their graveling only stopped half the vitriol。 Both men died in fluid fire which destroyed a wide section of the balcony。
    But instead of striking again; launching more attacks to wear down the defenses of the Keep; the ur…viles abandoned their catapults and withdrew…apparently satisfied with what they had learned about Revelstone's mettle。
    High Lord Mhoram watched them go with surprise in his face and cold dread in his heart。 Surely the ur…viles had not been intimidated by the defense。 If Satansfist chose now to change his tactics; it was because he had measured the weakness of Revelstone; and knew a better way to capitalize on it。
    The next morning; Mhoram saw the mencement of Satansfist's new strategy; but for two days after that he did not prehend it。 The Raver's hordes moved closer to Revelstone; placed themselves hardly a hundred yards from the walls; and faced the plateau as if they expected its defenders to leap willingly into their jaws。 The ur…viles moved among the slavering creatures and Cavewights; and formed scores of wedges which seemed to point toward the very heart of Revelstone。 And behind them Satansfist stood in a broad piece of open ground; openly wielding his Stone for the first time。 But he launched no physical onslaught; offered the Keep no opportunity to strike or be stricken。 Instead; his creatures dropped to their hands and knees; and glared hungrily at Revelstone like crouching preyers。 The ur…vile loremasters set the tips of their staves in the ground; began a barking ululation or invocation which carried in shreds to the Keep through the tearing wind。 And samadhi Raver; Sheol and Satansfist; squeezed his fragment of the Illearth Stone so that it ran with steam like boiling ice。
    As Mhoram watched; he could feel the upsurge of power on all sides; the exertion of might radiated at him until the skin of his cheeks stung under it despite the raw chill of the wind。 But the besiegers took no other action。 They held their positions in fierce concentration; scowling murderously as if they were envisioning the blood of their victims。
    Slowly; tortuously; they began to have an effect upon the ground of the foothills。 From the unflickering green blaze of the Stone; a rank emerald hue spread to the dirt around Satansfist's feet and throbbed in the soil It encircled him; pulsing like a fetid heart; then sent crooked offshoots like green veins through the ground toward Revelstone。 These grew with each savage throb; branched out until they reached the backs of the crouching hordes。 At that point; red pain sickly tinged with green blossomed from the embedded tips of the loremasters' staves。 Like Satansfist's emerald; the ill red grew in the ground like arteries or roots of hurt。 It shone through the gray ice on the earth without melt
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