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s slid away from Mhoram's gaze in all directions; as if he could not control their wandering。 He stood under Mhoram's scrutiny as if he might break and run at any moment。
    〃Trell Gravelingas;〃 Mhoram said carefully; 〃the other rhadhamaerl are at work against this ill。 They need your strength。〃
    Trell's gaze flicked once across Mhoram's face like a lash of anger。 〃You wish to preserve Revelstone so that it will be intact for the Despiser's use。'' He filled the word intact with so much bitterness that it sounded like a curse。
    At the accusation; Mhoram's lips tightened。 〃I wish to preserve the Keep for its own sake。〃
    The roaming of Trell's eyes had an insatiable cast; as if they were afraid of going blind。 〃I do not work well with others;'' he said dimly after a moment。 Then; without transition; he became urgent。 〃High Lord; tell me your secret。〃
    Mhoram was taken aback。 〃My secret?〃
    〃It is a secret of power。 I must have power。〃
    〃For what purpose?〃
    At first; Trell squirmed under the question。 But then his gaze hit Mhoram again。 〃Do you wish Revelstone intact?〃 Again; in tact spat like gall past his lips。 He turned sharply and strode away。
    For an instant; Mhoram felt a cold hand of foreboding on the back of his neck; and he watched Trell go as if the big Gravelingas trailed plumes of calamity。 But before he could grasp the perception; Revelstone's ambience of dread clouded it; obscured it。 He did not dare give Trell his secret knowledge。 Even a Gravelingas might be capable of invoking the Ritual of Desecration。
    With an effort; he remembered his purpose; and started again toward the refectory。
    Because he had been delayed; all the people he had summoned were waiting for him。 They stood ineffectively among the forlorn tables in the great; empty hall; and watched his approach with trepidation; as if he were a paradoxically fatal hope; a saving doom。 〃High Lord;〃 the chief cook began at once; quelling his fear with anger; 〃I cannot control these useless sheep disguised as cooks。 Half have deserted me; and the rest will not work。 They swing knives and refuse to leave the corners where they hide。''
    〃Then we must restore their courage。〃 Despite the scare Trell had given him; Mhoram found that he could smile more easily。 He looked at the Lords and Hirebrands。 〃Do you not feel it?〃
    Amatin nodded with tears in her eyes。 Trevor grinned。
    A change was taking place under their feet。
    It was a small change; almost subliminal。 Yet soon even the Hire…brands could feel it。 Without either heat or light; it warmed and lit their hearts。
    On a barely palpable level; the rock of Revelstone was remembering that it was obdurate granite; not susceptible sandstone。
    Mhoram knew that this change could not be felt everywhere in the Keep…that all the strength of the rhadhamaerl would never suffice to throw back the lurid dread of Satansfist's attack。 But the Gravelingases had made a start。 Now anyone who felt the alteration would know that resistance was still possible。
    He let his panions taste the granite for a moment。 Then he began the second part of his defense。 He asked Hearthrall Borillar for all the healing wood essence…the rillinlure…he could provide; and sent the other Hirebrands to help the chief cook begin working again。 〃Cook and do not stop;〃 he manded。 〃The other refectories are paralyzed。 All who seek food must find it here。〃
    Borillar was doubtful。 〃Our stores of rillinlure will be swiftly consumed in such quantities of food。 None will remain for the future of this siege。〃
    〃That is as it must be。 Our error has been to conserve and portion our strength against future perils。 If we fail to endure this assault; we will have no future。'' When Borillar still hesitated; Mhoram went on: 〃Do not fear; Hearthrall。 Satansfist himself must rest after such an exertion of power。〃
    After a moment; Borillar recognized the wisdom of the High Lord's decision。 He left to obey; and Mhoram turned to the other Lords。 〃My friends; to us falls another task。 We must bring the people here so that they may eat and be restored。〃
    〃Send the Warward;'' said Loerya。 Her pain at being away from her daughters was plainly visible in her face。
    〃No。 Fear will cause some to resist with violence。 We must call them; make them wish to e。 We must put aside our own apprehension; and send a call like a melding through the Keep; so that the people will choose to answer。〃
    〃Who will defend Revelstone…while we work here ?'' Trevor asked。
    〃The peril is here。 We must not waste our strength on useless watching。 While this attack continues; there will be no other。 e。 Join your power to mine。 We; the Lords; cannot permit the Keep to be thus broken in spirit。〃
    As he spoke; he drew a fire bright and luminescent from his staff。 Tuning it to the ambience of the stone; he set it against one wall so that it ran through the rock like courage; urging all the people within its range to lift up their heads and e to the refectory。
    At his back; he felt Amatin; Trevor; then Loerya following his example。 Their Lords…fire joined his; their minds bent to the same task。 With their help; he pushed dread away; shared his own indomitable conviction; so that the appeal which radiated from them into Revelstone carried no flaw or dross of fear。
    Soon people began to answer。 Hollow…eyed like the victims of nightmares; they entered the refectory…accepted steaming trays from the chief cook and the Hirebrands…sat at the tables and began to eat。 And when they had eaten; they found themselves ushered to a nearby hall; where the Lorewardens enjoined them to sing boldly in the face of defeat:
    Berek! Earthfriend!…help and weal; Battle…aid against the foe!
    Earth gives and answers Power's peal;
    Ringing; Earthfriend! help and heal! Clean the Land from bloody death and woe!
    More and more people came; drawn by the music; and the Lords; and the reaffirmation of Revelstone's granite。 Supporting each other; carrying their children; dragging their friends; they fought their fear and came because the deepest impulses of their hearts responded to food; music; rillinlure; rock…to the Lords and the life of Revelstone。
    After the first influx; the Lords took turns resting so that fatigue would not make their efforts waver。 When the rillinlure gave out; the Hirebrands provided special fires for the returning cooks; and joined their own lore to the call of the Lords。 Quaan's warriors gave up all pretense of guarding the walls; and came to help the cooks…clearing tables; cleaning pots and trays; carrying supplies from the storerooms。
    Now the city had found a way to resist the dread; and it was determined to prevail。 In all; less than half of Revelstone's people responded。 But they were enough。 They kept Lord's Keep alive when the very air they breathed reeked of malice。
    For four days and four nights; High Lord Mhoram did not leave his post。 He rested and ate to sustain himself; but he stayed at his station by the refectory wall。 After a time; he hardly saw or heard the people moving around him。 He concentrated on the stone; wrought himself to the pitch of Revelstone; to the pulse of its existence and the battle for possession of its life rock。 He saw as clearly as if he were standing on the watchtower that Satansfist's livid power oozed close to the outer walls and then halted… hung poised while the Keep struggled against it。 He heard the muffled groaning of the rock as it fought to remember itself。 He felt the exhaustion of the Gravelingases。 All these things he took into himself; and against the Despiser's wrong he placed his unbreaking will。
    And he won。
    Shortly before dawn on the fifth day; the onslaught broke like a tidal wave collapsing out to sea under its own weight。 For a long stunned moment; Mhoram felt jubilation running through the rock under his feet and could not understand it。 Around him; people gaped as if the sudden release of pressure astounded them。 Then; swept together by a mon impulse; he and everyone else dashed toward the outer battlements to look at the siege。
    The ground below them steamed and quivered like wounded f
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