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    〃What has happened?〃 repeated Mhoram firmly。
    〃At your mand; we followed him。 When he learned that we did not mean to leave him; he reviled us。 But his cursing showed us a part of the reason for your mand。 We were resolved to obey you。 At last he turned from us like a broken man and led us to the Close。
    〃There he went to the great graveling pit and knelt beside it。 While we watched over him from the doors; he wept and prayed; begging。 High Lord; it is in my heart that he begged for peace。 But he found no peace。 When he raised his head; we saw…we saw abomination in his face。 He…the graveling…flame came from the fire…stones。 Fire sprang from the floor。 We ran down to him。 But the flames forbade us。 They consumed my rade。 I ran to you。〃
    The words chilled Mhoram's heart; but he replied to meet the pain and faltering in the warrior's face。 〃His Oath of Peace was broken。 He lost self…trust; and fell into despair。 This is the shadow of the Gray Slayer upon him。〃
    After a moment; the warrior said hesitantly; 〃I have heard…it is said…is this not the Unbeliever's doing?〃
    〃Perhaps。 In some measure; the Unbeliever is Lord Foul's doing。 But Trell's despair is also in part my doing。 It is Trell's own doing。 The Slayer's great strength is that our mortal weakness may be so turned against us。〃
    He spoke as calmly as he could; but before he was within a hundred yards of the Close; he began to feel the heat of the flames。 He had no doubt that this was the source of the other ill Tohrm had sensed。 Hot waves of desecration radiated in all directions from the council chamber。 As he neared the high wooden doors; he saw that they were smoldering; nearly aflame; and the walls shimmered as if the stone were about to melt。 He was panting for breath; wincing against the heat; even before he reached the open doorway and looked down into the Close。
    An inferno raged within it。 Floor; tables; seats…all burned madly; spouted roaring flames like a convulsion of thunder。 Heat scorched Mhoram's face; crisped his hair。 He had to blink tears away before he could peer down through the conflagration to its center。
    There Trell stood in the graveling pit like the core of a holocaust; bursting with flames and hurling great gouts of fire at the ceiling with both fists。 His whole form blazed like incarnated damnation; white…hot torment striking out at the stone it loved and could not save。
    The sheer power of it staggered Mhoram。 He was looking at the onset of a Ritual of Desecration。 Trell had found in his own despair the secret which Mhoram had guarded so fearfully; and he was using that secret against Revelstone。 If he were not stopped; the gates would only be the first part of the Keep to break; the first and least link in a chain of destruction which might tear the whole plateau to rubble。
    He had to be stopped。 That was imperative。 But Mhoram was not a Gravelingas; had no stone…lore to counter the might which made this fire possible。 He turned to Tohrm。
    〃You are of the rhadhamaerl!'' he shouted over the raving of the fire。 〃You must silence this flame!〃
    〃Silence it?〃 Tohrm was staring; aghast; into the blaze; he had the stricken look of a man witnessing the ravage of his dearest love。 〃Silence it?〃 He did not shout; Mhoram could only prehend him by reading his lips。 〃I have no strength to equal this。 I am a Gravelingas of the rhadhamaerl…not Earthpower incarnate。 He will destroy us all。〃
    〃Tohrm!〃 the High Lord cried。 〃You are the Hearthrall of Lord's Keep! You or no one can meet this need!〃
    Tohrm mouthed soundlessly; 〃How?〃
    〃I will acpany you! I will give you my strength…I will place all my power in you!〃
    The Hearthrall's eyes rolled fearfully away from the Close and hauled themselves by sheer force of will into focus on the High Lord's face。
    〃We will burn。〃
    〃We will endure!〃
    Tohrm met Mhoram's demand for a long moment。 Then he groaned。 He could not refuse to give himself for the sake of the Keep' s stone。 〃 If you are with me;〃 he said silently through the roar。
    Mhoram whirled to Amatin。 〃Tohrm and I will go into the Close。 You must preserve us from the fire。 Put your power around us…protect us。〃
    She nodded distractedly; pushed a damp strand of hair out of her face。 〃Go;〃 she said weakly。 〃Already the table melts。〃
    The High Lord saw that she was right。 Before their eyes; the table slumped into magma; poured down to the lowest level of the Close and into the pit around Trell's feet。
    Mhoram called his power into readiness and rested the shaft of his staff on Tohrm's shoulder。 Together; they faced the Close; waited while Amatin built a defense around them。 The sensation of it swarmed over their skin like hiving insects; but it kept back the heat。
    When she signaled to them; they started down into the Close as if they were struggling into a furnace。
    Despite Amatin's protection; the heat slammed into them like the fist of a cataclysm。 Tohrm's tunic began to scorch。 Mhoram felt his own robe blackening。 All the hair on their heads and arms shriveled。 But the High Lord put heat out of his mind; he concentrated on his staff and Tohrm。 He could feel the Hearthrall singing now; though he heard nothing but the deep; ravenous howl of the blaze。 Tuning his power to the pitch of Tohrm's song; he sent all his resources running through it。
    The savage flames backed slightly away from them as they moved; and patches of unburned rock appeared like stepping…stones under Tohrm's feet。 They walked downward like a gap in the hell of Trell's rage。
    But the conflagration sealed behind them instantly。 As they drew farther from the doors; Amatin's defense weakened; distance and flame interfered。 Mhoram's flesh stung where his robe smoldered against it; and his eyes hurt so badly that he could no longer see。 Tohrm's song became more and more like a scream as they descended。 By the time they reached the level of the pit; where Loric's krill still stood embedded in its stone; Mhoram knew that if he did not take his strength away from Tohrm and use it for protection they would both roast at Trell's feet。
    〃Trell!〃 Tohrm screamed soundlessly。 〃You are a Gravelingas of the rhadhamaerl! Do not do this!〃
    For an instant; the fury of the inferno paused。 Trell looked at them; seemed to see them; recognize them。
    But he had fallen too far under the power of his own holocaust。 He pointed a rigid; accusing finger; then stooped to the graveling and heaved a double armful of fire at them。
    At the same moment; a thrill of strength ran through Mhoram。 Amatin's protection steadied; stiffened。 Though the force of Trell's attack knocked Tohrm back into Mhoram's arms; the fire did not touch them。 And Amatin's sudden discovery of power called up an answer in the High Lord。 With a look like joy gleaming in his eyes; he swept aside all his self…restraints and turned to his secret understanding of desecration。 That secret contained might…might which the Lords had failed to discover because of their Oath of Peace…might which could be used to preserve as well as destroy。 Despair was not the only unlocking emotion。 Mhoram freed his own passion and stood against the devastation of the Close。
    Power coursed vividly in his chest and arms and staff。 Power made even his flesh and blood seem like invulnerable bone。 Power shone out from him to oppose Trell's ill。 And the surge of his strength restored Tohrm。 The Hearthrall regained his feet; summoned his lore; with all of his and Mhoram's energy; he resisted Trell。
    Confronting each other; standing almost face to face; the two Gravelingases wove their lore…secret gestures; sang their potent rhadhamaerl invocations。 While the fire raged as if Revelstone were about to crash down upon them; they manded the blaze; wrestled will against will for mastery of it。
    Tohrm was exalted by Mhoram's support。 With the High Lord's power resonating in every word and note and gesture; renewing him; fulfilling his love for the stone; he bent back the desecration。 After a last convulsive exertion; Trell fell to his knees; and his fire began to fail。
    It ran out of the Close like the recessio
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