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Why are young people so enthusiastic about puters?It is mainly because they find that
the puter has a large number of desirable properties.First,it's not terribly demanding,and it does what it is told.Second,it's easier
to be a friend to a puter,for it won't make fun of you.Nor does it scold you or talk back.Third,the puter
is more interesting than any other object.Like people,it is interactive.When you ask it a question,it gives you an answer.And because it stores great quantities of information,it can oftenanswer more questions,more accurately,than human friends.Finally,by programing a puter,a youngster can create a world of
his own.
Topic Sentence:____________________________________________
Developing Method:_________________________________________
Order of Organization:________________________________________
People travel because travel benefits them in a number of ways.First,it enables people to derive much pleasure from seeing sight sand
snapping pictures.Second,it provides an effective way to get
their mind off their work.It relieves them from strain and makes them thoroughly relaxed and
ready to resume their work with rennewed efforts.Third,it offers an
opportunity to visit old friends and make new friends,too.Finally,it allows people to see new customs,learn new things,gain new experience and enables them to e back with broader mind.
Topic Sentence:____________________________________________
Developing Method:________________________________________
Order of Organization:______________________________________
Exercise 19…1
Directions:Write a paragraph about the unfavorable effects of advertisements,using order of importance.
Exercise 19…2
Directions:Write a paragraph about the phenomena of the wasting of water,using order of familiarity.
第二十单元 推展段落方法——混合方法
20.1 混合方法(Mixed Patterns)
到目前为止,我们讨论了九种推展段落方法——1)事实数据法(facts and statistics);2)叙述法(narration);3)描述法(description);4)过程分析法(process analysis);5)定义法(definition);6)举例法(examples);7)比较对比法(parison
and contrast);8)分类法(division and classification);9)因果法(cause and effect)。我们还讨论了四种组织段落的方法:1)时间顺序法(time
order);2)空间顺序法(space order);3)重要性顺序法(order of importance);4)熟悉度顺序法(order
of familiarity)。此外,我们还谈及一个好的段落的三个特征:1)完整性(pleteness);2)统一性(unity);3)连贯性(coherence)。
我们在前面各单元的示范段落中已经发现,极少段落是仅用一种推展方法的。作者常常在段落中使用一种方法作为支配方法(dominant method),另外一种或数种作为辅助方法(supporting method)。
Man's knowledge of the past has sometimes been gained in odd ways.One of the oddest incidents
occurred on January 16,1900.An angry
workman broke a crocodile mummy into pieces.He wassurprised to find that the mummy had been wrapped in sheets of
papyrus,the reed
paper of ancient Egypt.And on the papyrus there was writing.
主题句:Man's knowledge of the past has
sometimes been gained in odd ways.
组织段落顺序:Time order
There are two kinds of memory:short…term and long…term.Information stored in the long…term memory can be recalled at a
later time when it is needed.The information may be kept for days or weeks.In contrast,information stored in the short…term
memory is kept for only a few minutes,usually by repeating the in formation over and over.
主题句:There are two kinds of memory:short…term and long…term.
组织段落方法:Order of Familiarity
支配推展方法:Division and Classification
Exercise 20…1
Directions:Write a paragraph on population increase,using cause and effect as the
dominant method,and examples,facts or statistics as the
supporting methods.
Why has the world population been increasing so rapidly in the last
Exercise 20…2
Directions:Write a paragraph on why you chose your specialty,bining the various methods you
have learned.
Exercise 20…3
Directions:Write a paragraph about whether weekend homework should be abolished.
Exercise 20…4
Directions:Write a paragraph about your favourite season.
第二十一单元 从段落到篇章
21.1 段落和篇章
段落和篇章在长度上有明显的不同,但是它们在结构上是一致的。首先,段落是由表达其主题思想的主题句(Topic Sentence)或主题导句(Topic Introducer)引出的,而篇章中的首段也是该篇文章主题思想的导言和引言;其次,一个段落必须有若干个展开句使主题思想得以展开和充实,同样篇章的主体部分也是由几个推展或后续首段主题思想的段落组成。再者,在段落结束时有一个结尾句(Concluding Sentence)总结段落的主旨,篇章也同样有一个对上下文进行归纳和总结主题思想的末段。尽管不是所有的段落和篇章都具备这样的完整结构,但典型的段落和篇章在结构上是一致的。
根据上述,让我们比较一下Model Paragraph 21…1和Model Essay 21…2,后者的主题思想完全基于前者。所不同的是,Model Paragraph中的六个句子①,②,③,④,⑤,⑥均已被扩展成Model Essay中的六个段落。
Model Paragraph 21…1
①To be successful in a job interview,the applicant should demonstrate
certain personal and professional qualities.②In as much as the first and often lasting impression of a person isdetermined
by the clothes one wears,the job applicant should take care to appear well…groomed and
modestly dressed,avoiding the
extremes of too elaborate or too casual attire.③Besides care for personal appearance,one should pay close attention to one's manner of speaking,which should be neither showy nor
too familiar but rather straightforward,grammatically accurate,and friendly.④In addition,one should be prepared to talk knowledgeably about the requirements
of the position for which one is applying in relation to one's own professional
experience and interests.⑤And finally,there ally impressive applicant must convey a sense of