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The two halves of the brain (right and left) 

Chemical Imbalance 
A generic term for the idea that chemical in the brain are either too scarce or too abundant resulting in or contributing to a mental disorder such as schizophrenia精神分裂 or bipolar disorder躁狂。 Others believe that the disorder precedes the imbalance; suggesting that a change in mood; for example; changes our chemicals rather than the chemical changing our mood。

Chunk 组块
A unit of information used in memory 

bining smaller units of measurement or chunks into larger chunks。 (e。g。; a seven chunk phone number such as 5…5…5…1…2…1…2 bees a five chunk number such as 5…5…5…12…12) 

Classical Conditioning 
The behavioral technique of pairing a naturally occurring stimulus and response chain with a different stimulus in order to produce a response which is not naturally occurring。 

Client Centered Therapy 
A humanistic therapy based on Carl Roger's beliefs that an individual has an unlimited capacity for psychological growth and will continue to grow unless barriers are placed in the way。
Coefficient of Determination 决定系数
The statistic or number determined by squaring the correlation coefficient系数。 Represents the amount of variance accounted for by that correlation。 

Coercive Power 强制力
Power derived through the ability to punish。

The process of receiving; processing; storing; and using information。 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 
Treatment involving the bination of behaviorism (based on the theories of learning) and cognitive therapy (based on the theory that our cognitions or thoughts control a large portion of our behaviors)。 

Cognitive Dissonance失调
the realization of contradictions in one's own attitudes and behaviors。 

Cognitive Psychology 
The sub…field of psychology associated with information processing and the role it plays in emotion; behavior; and physiology。 

Cognitive Therapy
The treatment approach based on the theory that our cognitions or thoughts control a large part of our behaviors and emotions。 Therefore; changing the way we think can result in positive changes in the way we act and feel。

Cohort Effects 
The effects of being born and raised in a particular time or situation where all other members of your group has similar experiences that make your group unique from other groups 

Collective Unconscious 
According to Jung; the content of the unconscious mind that is passed down from generation to generation in all humans。 

The physical act resulting from an obsession。 Typically a pulsive act is done in an attempt to alleviate the disfort created by an obsession。 

Concrete Operational Stage 具体运算
According to Piaget; the stage of cognitive development where a child between the ages of 7 and 12 begins thinking more globally and outside of the self but is still deficient不足 in abstract thought。 

Concurrent Validity 同时效度
A measurements ability to correlate or vary directly with an accepted measure of the same construct 

Conditioned Response
The response in a stimulus…response chain that is not naturally occurring; but rather has been learned through its pairing with a naturally occurring chain。 

Conditioned Stimulus
The stimulus in a stimulus…response chain that is not naturally occurring; but rather has been learned through its pairing with a naturally occurring chain。 

The process of learning new behaviors or responses as a result of their consequences。

Confidence Interval 置信区间
The level of certainty that the true score falls within a specific range。 The smaller the range the less the certainty。 

Changing your attitudes; beliefs; thoughts; or behaviors in order to be more consistent with others。

Any variable that is not part of a research study but still has an effect on the research results

According to Freud; the restriction demanded by the superego。

Awareness of yourself and the world around you。 

The understanding; typically achieved in later childhood; that matter remains the same even when the shape changes ( i。e。; a pound of clay is still a pound of clay whether it is rolled in a ball or pounded flat)。 

The physiological changes in the brain associated with memory storage。 

Consolidation Failure
The failure to store information in memory。

Any variable that remains the same throughout a study。

Any variable that can not be directly observed but rather is measured through indirect methods。 (Examples: intelligence; motivation)

Construct Validity
The general validity of a measuring device。 Construct validity answers the question of whether or not the measuring device actually measures the construct under question。

Content Validity
A measurement device’s ability to be generalized to the entire content of what is being measured。

Context Dependent Memory 
The theory that information learned in a particular situation or place is better remembered when in that same situation or place。 

Continuous Reinforcement
The application of reinforcement every time a specific behavior occurs。 

Control Group
The group of subjects in an experiment that does not receive the independent variable。 

The binocular cue to distance referring to the fact that the closer an object; the more inward our eyes need to turn in order to focus 

Convergent Thinking 
Logical and conventional thought leading to a single answer。 

Conversion Disorder 
A somatoform disorder where the individual experiences a loss of sensation or function due to a psychological belief (e。g。; paralysis; blindness; deafness)。 

Correlated Sample 
Sample data that is related to each other。 

The degree to which two or more variables a related to each other。 A correlation refers to the direction that the variables move and does not necessarily represent cause and effect。 (Example: height and weight are correlated。 As one increases; the other tends to increase as well)

Correlation Coefficient 
The statistic or number representing the degree to which two or more variables are related。 Often abbreviated 'r。' 

Counter conditioning 
The use of conditioning to eliminate a previously conditioned response。 The conditioned stimulus (CS) is repaired with a different unconditioned stimulus (UCS) to eventually elicit a new conditioned response (CR) 

Critical Period
A time frame deemed highly important in developing in a healthy manner; can be physically; emotionally; behaviorally; or cognitively。 

Critical Value
The value of a statistic required in order to consider the results significant。 

Cross Sectional Study 
A research study that examines the effects of development (maturation) by examining different subjects at various ages 

Cross Sequential Study 
A research study that examines the effects of development (maturation) by bining longitudinal and cross sectional studies 

The psychological and psychological response to the belief that there are too many people in a specified area。

Crystallized Intelligence
The part of intelligence which involves the acquisition; as opposed to the use; of information


Theory which states that memory fades and/or disappears over time if it is not used or accessed。

Declarative Memory 
The part of long…term memory where factual information is stored; such as mathematical formulas; vocabulary; and life events。 

Deductive Reasoning
Decision making process in which ideas are processed from the general to the specific。 

Defenses (Defense Mechanisms) 
Psychological forces which prevent undesirable or inappropriate impulses from entering consciousness (e。g。; forgetting responsibilities that we really didn't want to do; projecting anger onto a spouse as opposed to your boss)。 Also called Defense Mechanisms; Defense System; or Ego Defenses。

Degrees of Freedom
The numbers of individual scores that can vary without changing the sample mean。 Statistically written as 'N…1' where N represents the number of subjects。

False belief system (e。g。; believing you are Napoleon; have magical power
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