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Frequency Effect 
The phenomenon in memory which states that we tend to remember information better if it is repeated。

Freud; Sigmund 
Dr。 Freud is often referred to as the father of clinical psychology。 His extensive theory of personality development (psychoanalytical theory) is the cornerstone for modern psychological thought; and consists of (1) the psychosexual stages of development; (2) the structural model of personality (id; ego; superego); and (3) levels of consciousness (conscious; subconscious; and unconscious)。 See Psychoanalysis。 

A behavioral technique used to treat phobias in which the client is presented with the feared stimulus until the associated anxiety disappears。 

Fluid Intelligence
According to Cattell; the part of intelligence which involves the use; as opposed to the acquisition; of information。 

Formal Operational Stage
Pavlov's fourth and final stage of cognitive development where thinking bees more abstract。

Presenting information either positively or negatively in order to change the influence is has on an individual or group。 

Free Association
The psychoanalytic technique of allowing a patient to talk without direction or input in order to analyze current issues of the client。 

Frontal Lobe
The lobe at the front of the brain associated with movement; speech; and impulsive behavior。 

The feelings; thoughts; and behaviors associated with not achieving a particular goal or the belief that a goal has been prematurely interrupted。

Frustration…Aggression Hypothesis
The theory arguing that aggression is the natural reaction to frustration。

The school of thought popular in the 19th century emphasizing conscious experiences as a precursor to behavior

Fundamental Attribution Error 
The tendency to over estimate the internal attributes of another person's actions。

General intelligence。 Typically pared to s which represents specific intelligences。 G is the culmination of all possible s's。

GABA (Gamma…Amino Butyric Acid)
A neurotransmitter involved in the inhibition of anxiety and excitation。 Too little GABA has been associated with anxiety disorders。

Gender Identity
The internal sense of being either male or female。 Usually congruent with biological gender; but not always as in Gender Identity Disorder。 

Gender Role
The accepted behaviors; thoughts; and emotions of a specific gender based upon the views of a particular society or culture。 

Gender Typing
The process of developing the behaviors; thoughts; and emotions associated with a particular gender。 

The tendency to associate stimuli; and therefore respond similarly to; due to their closeness on some variable such as size; shape; color; or meaning。 

Genital Stage
Freud's final stage of psychosexual development where healthy sexual development is defined as attraction to a same aged; opposite sexed peer。

German word typically translated as meaning 'whole' or 'form。' 

Gestalt Therapy 
Treatment focusing on the awareness and understanding of one's feelings。 

Grouped Frequency Distribution
A table showing the number of occurrences for a grouping of scores。 Used a lot in educational settings where a score of 90 to 100 may be grouped as an A; a score of 80 to 90 may be grouped as a B; etc。

Group Polarization
The tendency for members of a cohesive group to make more extreme decisions due to the lack of opposing views。 

Group Therapy
Psychotherapy conducted with at least three or four non…related individuals who are similar in some are; such as gender; age; mental illness; or presenting problem。 

Group Think
The tendency for members of a cohesive group to reach decisions without weighing all the facts; especially those contradicting the majority opinion。 

Sense of taste。


The decrease in response to a stimulus due to repetition (e。g。; not hearing the ticking of a clock after getting used to it)

False perception of reality (e。g。; hearing voices that aren't there or seeing people who do not exist) 'auditory (hearing); visual (sight); olfactory (smell); tactile (touch); and taste'。

Halo Effect 
The tendency to assign generally positive or generally negative traits to a person after observing one specific positive or negative trait; respectively。

Hawthorne Effect
The phenomenon that subject behavior changes by the mere fact that they are being observed。

Health Psychology
The specific field in psychology concerned with psychology’s impact on health; physical well being; and illness。

Being attracted to or aroused by members of the opposite gender。 See Sexual Orientation。

A rule of thumb based on experience used to make decisions。 

Hierarchy of Needs 
Maslow’s Theory of Motivation which states that we must achieve lower level needs; such as food; shelter; and safety before we can achieve higher level needs; such as belonging; esteem; and self…actualization。 

Higher Order Conditioning
Pairing a second conditioned stimulus with the first conditioned stimulus in order to produce a second conditioned response。

Part of the limbic system。 Involved more in memory; and the transfer of information from short…term to long…term memory。

External events that take place during a research study that are not part of the study but have an effect on the oute 

The tendency of the body (and the mind) to natural gravitate toward a state of equilibrium or balance。 

An irrational hostility; hatred; or fear of homosexuals。 

Being attracted to or aroused by members of the same gender。 See Sexual Orientation。 

Humanistic Psychology 
A theoretical view of human nature which stresses a positive view of human nature and the strong belief in psychological homeostasis。 

Humanistic Therapy 
Treatment focused on increasing awareness of one's self concept。

A deep state of relaxation where an individual is more susceptible to suggestions。 

A trained; and often licensed; therapist who utilizes the therapeutic technique of hypnosis as part of a treatment regimen。

An individual; most likely unlicensed; who uses hypnosis techniques or variations of these techniques for a variety of reasons; including treatment and/or entertainment。

A part of the brain that controls the autonomic nervous system; and therefore maintains the body’s homeostasis (controls body temperature; metabolism; and appetite。 Also translates extreme emotions into physical responses。

A prediction about the relationship between two or more variables。 


In Psychoanalytical theory; the part of the personality which contains our primitive impulses such as sex; anger; and hunger。

Ideal Self
Humanistic term representing the characteristics; behaviors; emotions; and thoughts to which a person aspires。

Misperception of reality (e。g。; the illusion of a lake in the middle of a desert)。

Utilizing the mind to create a mental representation of a sensory experience。 

Inappropriate Affect 
Expressing contradictory behavior when describing or experiencing an emotion (e。g。; smiling when discussing something sad; laughing when talking about the death of a loved one)。 

Independent Samples
Sample data that is independent or not related to each other。 

Independent Variable 
The variable in an experiment that is manipulated or pared。 

Inductive Reasoning 
Decision making process in which ideas are processed from the specific to the general。 

Industrial/Organizational Psychology 
The area or specialty in psychology focused on the application of psychological principles in the work force。 

Inferential Statistics
The branch of statistics that focuses on describing in numerical format what might be happening or what might happen (estimation) in the future (probability)。 Inferential statistics required the testing of only a sample of the population。 (Example: 100 students rather than all students)。

Substances such as spray paint; freon; and glue that pro
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