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Negative Skew
A curve or distribution of scores that has extreme scores below the mean that are atypical of the majority of scores。

A specialized nerve cell。

A chemical found in animals that plays a role in our behavior; cognitions; and emotions。 

A frightening dream occurring in REM sleep。 

Nominal Scale
Any scale that contains no magnitude。 Often nominal is thought of as name only; meaning that the variables of a nominal scale can be identified but not measured。

Nondeclarative Memory 
A subsystem within Long term memory which consists of skills we acquire through repetition and practice (e。g。; dance; playing the piano; driving a car)

Nonparametric Test
Any statistic that is designed for ordinal or nominal data or data that is not normally distributed

A neurotransmitter associated with eating and alertness。 Too little has been associated with depression and too much has been associated with schizophrenia。

An expectation based on multiple observations。 

Normal Curve 
A graphical interpretation of a population that is ‘bell shaped’ as it has the highest frequency in the middle and this frequency diminishes the farther you get from the center on either end。 The mean; median; and mode are all equal in a perfect normal curve。

Normal Distribution
The scores of a sample or population that; when graphed; fall on or close to a normal curve。 A normal distribution is often ideal in research because the data can then be said to have all of the characteristics of a normal curve。

Null Hypothesis
The hypothesis that states there is no difference between two or more sets of data。


Object Permanence 
The understanding that objects exist even when they are not directly observed。 

Objective Techniques 
A generic term for the psychological procedures used to measure personality which rely on measurable or objective techniques such as the MMPI…2 and WAIS…III。

A persistent and seemingly uncontrollable thought。 

Occipital Lobe
One of for lobes of the brain。 Contains the visual cortex and therefore plays a major role in the interpretation of visual information。

Odd…Even Reliability
The correlation coefficient determined by paring odd items of the measurement to the even items。 One method to determine the internal consistency of a test or measuring device。

The sense of smell。

An Analysis of Variance used when there is only one main effect。

Operant Conditioning 
Learning that occurs due to the manipulation of the possible consequences。 

Optimal Level of Arousal
Theory arguing that humans are driven to increase or decrease arousal to produce a fortable level that is not over… nor under stimulating。

Oral Aggressive Personality
Stemming from the Oral stage; a child who bees fixated due to over stimulation transfers his or her unresolved oral issues into aggression and hostility。

Oral Receptive Personality
Stemming from the Oral stage; a child who bees fixated due to under stimulation transfers his or her unmet oral needs into smoking; drinking; talking; biting fingernails; or sucking one's own thumb; for example。

Oral Stage
Freud's first stage of psychosexual development where the primary sexual focus is on the mouth through sucking; tasting; and verbalizing。

Order Effects
The effects of administering treatments in a particular order

Ordered Array
A table consisting of data in order of highest to lowest or lowest to highest where each data is given a numbered rank depicting it's difference from the highest or lowest score

Ordinal Scale
Any scale that reflects only magnitude but does not contain equal intervals or an absolute zero 

A technique used to improve memory where information is learned to the point that it can be repeated without mistake more than one time。 


Panic Attack 
Period of extreme anxiety and physical symptoms such as heart palpitations; shakiness; dizziness; and racing thoughts。 Initial attacks are often reported to feel like a heart attack due to the heart palpitations。 A medical exam should be conducted to rule out any such condition。 

Parallel Form Reliability
The correlation coefficient determined by paring the scores of the two similar measuring devices (or forms of the same test) administered to the same people at one time。 

A summary value of a specific population characteristic (e。g。; mean age; standard deviation of IQ’s; median ine) 

Parasympathetic Nervous System
A subsystem of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) that returns the body to homeostasis。

Parietal Lobe
One of four lobes of the brain。 Contains the Somatosensory Cortex d is therefore involved in the processing of touch; pressure; temperature; and pain。

Peak Experience
A life experience considered paramount due to the feeling of unity with the world。

Pearson Product…Moment Correlation
A correlation statistic used primarily for two sets of data that are of the ratio or interval scale。 The most monly used correlational technique。

Penis Envy
In Psychoanalytic Thought; the desire of girls to posses a penis and therefore have the power that being male represents。

Percentile Rank
Percentage of scores falling at or below a specific score。 A percentile rank of 95 means that 95% of all of the scores fall at or below this point。 In other words; the score is as good as or better than 95% of the scores。

The process of organizing and using information that is received through the senses。 

Perceptual Constancy
The ability to perceive objects as unchanged despite the change noticed by the senses (e。g。; the ability to understand and see buildings as remaining the same height even though they appear larger as we get closer to them)。

Perfect Correlation
A correlation of either +1。0 or …1。0。 A perfect correlation is extremely rare and when it occurs means that predicting one score based on another score is perfect or without error。

Person Centered Therapy 
The therapeutic technique based on humanistic theory which is non…directive and empathic。 

The stable set of individual characteristics that make us unique。 

Personality Disorder 
A maladaptive and stable set of individual characteristics that cluster to form a recognized disorder。

Permissive 'parents' 
Parenting style consisting of very few rules and allowing children to make most decisions and control their own behavior。

The deliberate attempt to influence the thoughts; feelings or behaviors of another。 

Phallic Personality 
Stemming from the Phallic stage; a child who bees fixated may develop a personality characterized by selfishness; impulsivity; and a lack of or reduced ability to feel empathy。

Phallic Stage
Freud's third stage of psychosexual development where the primary sexual focus is on symbolism of the genitals。

Phi Correlation
A correlational technique used when both variables are binary (Example true/false; yes/no; or on/off)

Phi Phenomenon
The perception of motion based on two or more stationary objects (e。g。; the perception of chaser lights brought about by different lights blinking at different times)。

An intense fear of a specific object or situation。 Most of us consider ourselves to have phobias; but to be diagnosable; the fear must significantly restrict our way of life。

A treatment condition used to control for the placebo effect where the treatment has no real effect on its own。 

Placebo Effect 
The phenomenon in research where the subject’s beliefs about the oute can significantly effect the oute without any other intervention。 

The ability of the brain; especially in our younger years to pensate for damage。 

A curve or distribution of scores that has a lot of variance

Pleasure Principle 
Freud’s theory regarding the id’s desire to maximize pleasure and minimize pain in order to achieve immediate gratification。 

Point Biserial Correlation
A correlational technique used when one variable is numeric and the other is binary (Example age and sex or ine and true/false)

Point Estimation
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