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    If the 20th century has been the American century; then there are plenty of people saying watch this space: the twentyfirst century will be different。 The distinguishing characteristic of the postcoldwar world is that there is only one superpower。 And there’s only one candidate on the horizon to challenge the US — China。    
    [A]Africa; I  fear; is going to remain a disaster area ;simply because it does not figure on people’s mental maps。 Currently there is war raging in six countries around the Congo; yet there’s very little sense the international munity will do anything about it。 There is; though; some good news。 If you look back a year ago to Algeria; it was drowning in its own flood。 Now it seems to be back on the right track。    
    [B]Europe is already the largest trading block in the world; but while the euro could help it bee an economic giant; and even challenge the dollar; it looks likely to remain a political and military pygmy。 It’s worth remembering that while Europe spends 60 percent of what the USA does in defence; it has only 10 per cent of the Americans’ firepower。    
    [C]I do think arms control will be a big item on the agenda in future。 For many years the nonproliferation regime actually worked surprisingly well; but India and Pakistan going nuclear has been a great blow to the status quo。 And now there are new biological and chemical weapons—undreamedof horrors—not to mention the whole legacy of the cold war which hasn’t been cleaned up; such as Russian nuclear waste in the Arctic。    
    [D]The military muscleflexing we have seen from China over the last few years could be an indication of how things are likely to go; although it has to be said that to many people’s surprise the Chinese have been quite constructive over East Timor。 But I think we must assume that the main struggle in the 21st century will be with China; already the world’s largest nation。 Happily; the Chinese seem to have no global pretensions。 One can’t see them interfering in some fardistant conflict; and in both military and economic terms they are still light years behind America。    
    [E]The fundamental problem is that there are countries that are simply being left behind by the onward march of globalisation。 Global issues such as the environment and drugs—and perhaps even human rights — are going to e much more to the fore。 As the world shrinks; so we shall have an increasing sense of the need for an international humanitarian order。 Globalisation may be a good thing; but it has a dark underbelly。    
    [F]We must also assume the continued decline of Russia。 It shows how far things have gone (and how quickly) when what was once the second most powerful country in the world is being battered by Islamic rebels from the Caucasus。 Now we have a Russian state which simply cannot cope。    
    [G]In the Middle East; in a relatively short space of time; bubbling conflicts have moved closer to resolution。 The ArabIsraeli dispute has been reduced to its core essentials; while agreement between Syria and Israel remains the strategic prize for peace。 Iran is undergoing a slow transformation but the outstanding political issue here is Iraq and Saddam Hussein’s extraordinary survival。 The international munity remains bitterly divided about what to do。    
    1。 F。 通过粗略阅读全文内容,我们可以基本判断是在评价冷战后,除美国之外影响世界的各种不同的力量,从上一段对中国的介绍来看,“in both military and economic terms they are still light years behind America。”按照逻辑顺序来说接下来的自然应是另一个对世界影响很大的力量,可能的有俄罗斯和欧洲,而从对欧洲的叙述来看,它缺乏军事方面的优势并且是后起的力量,同时,俄罗斯虽然经济发展落后了,但它毕竟是冷战后对世界影响巨大的力量,从基本叙述思路来看,应选俄罗斯。    
    2。 B。在确立了第三段为对俄的叙述之后,根据当今世界力量的对比,接下来应是经济发展迅速,对世界影响越来越大的欧洲“the largest trading block in the world。” 这样我们基本可以看出全文叙述的一条线索,即根据政治经济军事实力的强弱和对世界的影响力来排序。    
    3。 G。在掌握了叙述线索之后,接下来自然是“对世界发展影响巨大的中东问题”,从这段中的最后一句“The international munity remains bitterly divided about what to do。”也可以看出这是一个重大问题。    
    4。 A。接下来是应讨论非洲问题,还是讨论军备问题,根据全文叙述线索来看应该是首先按照国家地区来编排,而且从叙述来看,对于非洲的战患“There’s very little sense the international munity will do anything about it ”。 因此这个问题对世界影响巨大,应位于“arms control”前面,由此可知此项为正确选项。    
    5。 C。从全文的结构框架来看,在讨论了中东和非洲的战患后,转入军备问题也是合理的,这也是影响世界发展的主要因素。    
    [A]Antarctica has ninetenths of all the world’s ice。 If all this ice melted; the level of the world’s oceans would rise 250 feet。 Most cities along the coast would be drowned。 In New York Harbor; water would almost cover the Statue of Liberty’s head。 But the ice in Antarctica does not melt。  The temperature stays well below freezing the year round in most places。 Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth。 The temperature there has been known to drop to more than 100 degrees below zero。    
    [B]If you flew in an airplane over the continent of Antarctica; you would look down on a great sheet of snow and ice。 The snow and ice slopes gently from a central plateau around the South Pole toward the sea。 Along the coasts of Antarctica; sharp mountains rise up from the snow。 Huge masses of ice called glaciers slide between the mountain ridges toward the sea。 At the sea’s edge; tremendous icebergs break off the glacier and float away。 They are often enormous in size。    
    [C]A number of birds live in Antarctica; and fly over the water and ice。 The Arctic tern has been called the longdistance champion of the world。 Each year it migrates between the northernmost islands of the Arctic (the region around the North Pole) and the shores of Antarctica —— a distance of about 11;000 miles。    
    [D] Antarc
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