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orth Pole) and the shores of Antarctica —— a distance of about 11;000 miles。    
    [D] Antarctica does not have much plant life。 Only a few simple plants; such as mosses; lichens; and algae; can grow there。 The climate is so harsh; and food so scarce; that people cannot settle in Antarctica。 But along the coasts of the continent there are many birds; fish; and animals。    
    [E]Beneath the snow and ice of Antarctica lies land。 Snow piles deeper and deeper on top of the land and hardens into ice。 In some places; it is three miles deep。 Most of the land beneath the snow is a great land mass。 A chain of smaller islands is nearby。 The islands and the land mass are joined into one continent by a thick blanket of ice。    
    [F]Most of the world’s whaling takes place in Antarctic waters。 The blue whale is the largest animal that has ever lived。 It may weigh as much as 150 tons and be 95 feet long。 Smaller whales include the bottlenose; the humpback; the sperm; and the finback。    
    [G]Thousands of whales and millions of seals swim in Antarctic seas。 Six kinds of seals are found。 The fur seal; the smallest; has long been hunted for its silky fur。 The toughskinned elephant seal is the largest。 It can weigh as much as four tons。    
    1。E。选此段时,应根据上下文来理解,在文章第一段曾经出现过“the snow and ice”这个词,当然这是一个很好的启发。第一段中说的是这些雪和冰从南极点向海里运动的过程,那么进入第二段时,我们很自然就会想,当这些雪和冰移到海里之后,它们下面是什么,第二段提到了这些(beneath the snow 。。。),正好与第一段相呼应。    
    3。D。填选此段时,也应结合上文来看,前一段讲述南极洲“has ninetenths of all the world’s ice”。与此相对应地说明南极洲“does not have much plant life。” 二者形成对比。在介绍完南极洲的地理风貌后开始介绍这片土地上的动植物。    
    4。G。承接上一段“there are many birds; fish and animals”本段开始对生活在南极洲的动物进行详细描述。    


    Sample Three    
    You are going to read a text about the tips on resume writing;followed by a list of examples。 Choose the best example  from the list A…F for each numbered subheading(1—5)。There is one extra example which you do not need to use 。Mark your answers  on ANSWER  SHEET 1。(10points)    
    The main purpose of a resume is to convince an  employer to grant you interview 。  There are two kinds 。One is the familiar “tombstone”  that lists where you went to school  and where you’ve worked in chronological  order 。The other is what I call the “functional”  resume—descriptive; fun to read ;unique to you and much more likely to land you an interview 。    
    It’s handy to have a “tombstone” for certain occasions 。But prospective employers throw away most of those unrequested “tombstone” lists ;preferring to interview the quick rather than the dead 。    
    What follows are tips on writing a functional resume that will get read—a resume that  makes you e alive and look interesting to employers 。    
    (1)Put yourself first:    
    In order to write a resume other will read with enthusiasm ;you have to feel important about yourself。    
    (2)Sell what you can do;not who you are :    
    Practice translating your personality traits ;character ;acplishments and achievements into skill areas。 There are at least five thousand skill areas in the world of work 。    
    Toot your own horn!    
    Many people clutch when asked to think about their abilities ;some think they have none at all !But everyone does ;and one of yours may just be the ticket an employer would be glad to punch—if only you show it 。    
    (3)Be specific;be concrete ;and be brief!    
    Remember that “brevity is the best policy。”    
    (4)Turn bad news into good :    
    Everybody has had disappointments in work。 If you have to mention yours ;look for the positive side。    
    (5)Never apologize :    
     If you’re returning to the work force after fifteen years as a parent ;simply write a short paragraph (summary of background ) in place of a chronology of experience 。Don’t apologize for working at being a mother; it’s the hardest job of all 。If you have no special training or higher education ;just don’t mention education。     
    The secret is to think about the self before you start writing about yourself 。Take four or five hours off; not necessarily consecutive ;and simply write down every acplishment in your life ;on or off the job ;that made you feel effective。 Don’t worry at first about what it all means 。Study the list and try to spot patterns。 As you study your list ;you will e closer to the meaning :identifying your marketable skills 。Once you discover patterns ;give names to your cluster of acplishments ;(leadership skills ;budget management skills ;child development skills) Try to list
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