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    【解析】本文的主题是警长遇到的“难题”,既然第二题已经知道了警长遇到的难题是They hate to do the paperwork。(他们不喜欢写公文),那么,如果进行适当的推理,下文就应该以“I”做主语,来具体阐述警长自己的困惑之所在了。选项A以第一人称“I”开头,在逻辑上非常合适。    
    G 41。C 42。E 43。A 44。B 45。D F    
    五、 语段排序题专项突破练习    
    Exercise 1    
    Part B    
    The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order。 For Questions 4145;you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent article by choosing from the list AG to fill in each numbered box。 The first and the last paragraphs have been placed for you in Boxes。 Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1。(10 points)    
    [A] Foremost on every potential buyers list of concerns is debt。 The average South    
    Korean pany is leveraged four times over its equity; which is why so many are desperate to liquidate assets。 But because Koreas currency lost half its value last year; many Korean executives believe—mistakenly—that foreign buyers wi    
    ll find their wares attractive in spite of their debts; analysts says。    
    [B] Despite such aversion to foreign ownership; some deals are going through。 Directors of Bank of Asia are believed to have approved the sale of a stake in their midsized bank to Dutch bank ABNAmro。 For the Bank of Thailand; the central bank; the ABNAmro deal will send a muchneeded signal that the country is weling foreign capital。    
    [C] “The attitude of Koreans is that only foreigners will pay the price they are as    
    ing;” says Daniel Harwood of ABNAmro Asia in Seoul。 But foreigners are look    
     at these business and saying “How can I make a profit;” not “Oh; its cheap; and  Ill buy it。” No one will take over these panies unless they can restructure。    
    [D] Survival is usually uppermost in the minds of panies with their backs to the wall; even if that entails being reduced to a minority stake。 In Thailand; however; most ailing panies seem loathe to admit that their conditions may be fatal。 “They arent realistic;” says Henry Conell; Goldman Sachs Hong Kongbased partner in charge of direct investment in Asia。 “Nobody is about to say    
     to them; you will be gone。”    
    [E] In south Korea; interest from foreigners has focused more on the countrys manufacturers。 But;  the number of actual purchases; like those in Thailand; is small。 In any event; bigticket crossborder mergers and acquisitions are bound to take time。 Indeed; analysts say the main reason for the dearth of deals so far is due to diligence: foreign investors must thoroughly familiarize themselves with panies they might buy。 “You cant do this stuff overnight;” says a senior official at a large Western bank in Seoul。    
    [F] Still; the number of deals is growing by the day。 On February 19; Samsung Heavy Industries simultaneously sold its excavator division to Swedens Volvo Construction Equipment and its forklift operation to the United States Clark Martirial Handling。 Earlier; the chemical giant Hanwha group sold two affiliates to its Japanese and German partners。 Despite the slow start; no one doubts that the bargains at Korea Inc。 are for real。    
    [G] Thai businesses unwillingness to sell hasnt been helped by the governments own ambivalence。 While Finance Minister Tarrin Nimmanahaeminda is mitted to attracting foreign money to Thailand; Deputy Prime Minister Supachai Panitchpakdi seems less so。 “We dont want foreign firms to e and buy out our businesses。 We want them to e; buy shares; and operate firms—and sell them after making profits;” he told the local media recently。 “This will give Thais a chance to buy them back。”     
    【解析】从本文首段的In Thailand; however; most ailing panies seem loathe to admit that their conditions may be fatal。 可知泰国许多企业的一种消极应对困境的态度。而在五个备选项中,G项中包含泰国政府对于企业生存的观点阐释,使其与首段有效衔接,为正确选项。    
    【解析】在剩余选项中进行比较,可知接下来的行文应是过渡到韩国公司被国外投资者收购的一些情况介绍上,而E项的。。。 like those in Thailand;。。。 正好是一关键的文意过渡表述段落。E项为此题最佳选项。    
    【解析】末段具体举例说明了外国投资者购买韩国企业的交易数量与日俱增,上段末说明了韩企老总错误地认为外商会被其产品吸引而不顾及其债务。而C项中的Daniel Harwood 的观点正好把两个段落有效联系起来。    
    Exercise 2    
    Part B    
    The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order。 For Questions 4145;you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent article by choosing from the list AG to fill in each numbered box。 The first and the     
    last paragraphs have been placed for you in Boxes。 Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1。(10 points)    
    [A] See yourself as successful。If I could plug into the minds of my patients and lis    
    ten to the statements they make to themselves;I am convinced that the majority o    
    f them would be negative:“Im running late again as usual。”“My hair looks te    
    rrible this morning。”“That was a stupid remark I made—she probably thinks I    
    a dummy。”Since thousands of these messages flash across our brains every day; it is small wonder that the result is a diminished selfimage。    
    [B] Author and editor Norman Cousins wrote:“People are never more inse    
    cure than when they bee obsessed with their fears at the expense of their dre    
    ams。”There is no doubt that if we can envision beneficial things happening;they    
     have a way of actually occurring。    
    [C] Stevens finally had a hearttoheart talk with herself:“I realized that I simpl    
    y wasnt a wit or an intellectual and that I could succeed only as myself。I bega    
    n listening and asking questions at parties instead of trying to impress the gue    
    sts。When I spoke;I tried to contribute;not to shine。Almost at once I started to     
    feel a new warmth in my social contacts。They liked the real me better。”If we a    
    re true to our instincts;most of us will find that we naturally develop certain     
    trademarks。The discovery and expression of that uniqueness is one reason we are    
     on this planet。Resisting conformity and developing some small eccentricities a    
    re among the steps to independence and selfconfidence。     
    [D] Many of us get interested in a field;but then the going gets tough;we see that     
    other people are more successful;and we bee discouraged and quit。But it is of    
    ten the boring;repetitive sharpening of our skills that will ultimately enable u    
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