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    other people are more successful;and we bee discouraged and quit。But it is of    
    ten the boring;repetitive sharpening of our skills that will ultimately enable u    
    s to reach our goal。    
    [E] Horace Bushnell;the great New England preacher;used to say;“Somewhere under the    
     stars God has a job for you to do;and nobody  else can do it。”Some of us must     
    find our place by trial and error。It can take time;with dead ends along the way。    
    But we should not get discouraged because others seem more skilled。Usually it i    
    s not raw talent but drive that makes the difference。    
    [F] One daily exercise for building selfconfidence is called“imaging”or “visual    
    ation”。In order to succeed;you must see yourself succeeding。Picture yourself ap    
    proaching a difficult challenge with poise and confidence。Athletes often visuali    
    ze a move over and over in their minds;they see themselves hitting the perfect g    
    olf or tennis shot。When we burn such positive images into our minds deeply enoug    
    h;they bee a part of the unconscious; and we begin to expect to succeed。    
    [G] Break away from other peoples expectations。It is a liberating step when we deci    
    de to stop being what other people want us to be。 Although opera singer Rise    
     Stevens peformed onstage with great poise; the selfconfidence she felt before    
    audiences evaporated in social situation。“My disfort;”she says;“came from     
    trying to be something I was not—a state in the drawing room as well as onstage    
    。 If a clever person made a joke;I tried to top it and failed。I pretended to be fami    
    liar with subjects I knew nothing of。”    
    【解析】首段说明了我们要实现自己的目标必须通过枯燥、反复的磨练这样一个论点,接下来的一段应该有一个实例阐述作支撑,而E选项中Horace Bushell的说法及其接下来的对成功艰难历程的阐述正好是与首段形成文意的承接。    
    D 41。E 42。A 43。F 44。B 45。G C    


    1分类法:这种方法常用于阐述某一概念。它通过对概念中所包括的事物进行分门别类,分别加以叙述,使考生对于这一概念获得更为清晰的认识。如:标题中有“various forms of munication”等词,那么,作者就可能将其分为oral speech; sign language; body language 或other forms of nonlinguistic language来加以阐述。    
    5比较、对比法:即在文章中找出两个或两个以上不同种类的事物之间的共同点或不同点进行阐述的方法 。比较对比法有两种具体写作方法:一是进行整体的比较和对比,二是进行逐项的比较和对比。    
    三、 解题思路指引     
    四、 大纲样题解析     
    You are going to read a text about the tips on resume writing; followed by a list of examples。 Choose the best example from the list AF for each     
    numbered subheading (4145)。There is one extra example which you do not need to use。 Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1。(10 points)    
    The main purpose of a resume is to convince an employer to grant you an     
    interview。 There are two kinds。 One is the familiar“tombstone”that lists     
    where you went to school and where youve worked in chronological order。 The     
    other is what I call the“functional”resume-descriptive; fun to read;     
    unique to you and much more likely to land you an interview。    
    Its handy to have a “tombstone”for certain occasions。 But prospective employers throw away most of those unrequested“tombstone”lists; preferring to interview the quick rather than the dead。    
    What follows are tips on writing a functional resume that will get read-a resume that makes you e alive and look interesting to employers。    
    41Put yourself first:    
    In order to write a resume others will read with enthusiasm; you have to feel important about yourself。    
    42Sell what you can do; not who you are:    
    Practice translating your personality traits; character; acplishments and achievements into skill areas。 There are at least five thousand skill areas in the world of work。     
    Toot your own horn!     
    Many people clutch when asked to think about their abilities。 Some think  they have none at all! But everyone does; and one of yours may just be the ticket an employer would be glad to punch-if only you show it。    
    43Be specific; be concrete; and be brief!    
    Remember that “brevity is the best policy。”    
    44Turn bad news into good:    
    Everybody has had disappointments in work。 If you have to mention yours; look for the positive side。    
    45Never apologize:    
    If youve returning to the work force after fifteen years as a parent; simply write a short paragraph(summary of background)in place of a chronology of experience。 Dont apologize for working at being a mother; its the hardest job of all。 If you have no special training or higher education; just dont mention education。    
    The secret is to think about the self before you start writing about  yourself。 Take four or five hours off; not necessarily consecutive; and simply write down every acplishment in your life; on or off the job; that  made you feel effective。 Dont worry at first ab
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