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adventures of col[1]. daniel boone(丹尼尔·布思遇险)-第7章

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perceiving      it;  fled。  In  the   mean    time;   the   alarm    spread    through    the 

neighbourhood;   the   armed   men   collected   immediately;   and   pursued   the 

ravagers into the wilderness。 Thus Providence; by the means of this Negro; 

saved the whole of the poor family from destruction。 From that time; until 

the happy return of peace between the United States and Great…Britain; the 

Indians     did  us   no  mischief。    Finding     the  great   king   beyond     the  water 

disappointed in his expectations; and conscious of the importance of the 

Long Knife; and their own wretchedness; some of the nations immediately 

desired peace;   to   which;   at   present;   they  seem  universally  disposed;   and 


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                            Adventures of Col。 Daniel Boone 

are sending ambassadors to General Clark; at the Falls of the Ohio; with 

the minutes of their Councils; a specimen of which; in the minutes of the 

Piankashaw Council; is subjoined。 

     To conclude; I can now say that I have verified the saying of an old 

Indian who signed Col。 Henderson's deed。 Taking me by the hand; at the 

delivery  thereof;   Brother;   says   he;   we   have   given   you   a   fine   land;   but   I 

believe you will have much trouble in settling it。My footsteps have often 

been marked with blood; and therefore I can truly subscribe to its original 

name。 Two darling sons; and a brother; have I lost by savage hands; which 

have also taken from me forty valuable horses; and abundance of cattle。 

Many      dark   and   sleepless    nights   have    I  been   a  companion       for  owls; 

separated from the chearful society of men; scorched by the Summer's sun; 

and   pinched   by   the   Winter's   cold;   an   instrument   ordained   to   settle   the 

wilderness。 But now the scene is changed: Peace crowns the sylvan shade。 

       What   thanks;   what   ardent   and   ceaseless   thanks   are   due   to   that   all… 

superintending       Providence      which    has   turned    a  cruel   war    into  peace; 

brought order out of confusion; made the fierce savages placid; and turned 

away   their   hostile   weapons   from   our   country!   May   the   same   Almighty 

Goodness banish the accursed monster; war; from all lands; with her hated 

associates; rapine and insatiable ambition。 Let peace; descending from her 

native heaven; bid her olives spring amidst the joyful nations; and plenty; 

in league with commerce; scatter blessings from her copious hand。 

     This   account   of   my   adventures   will   inform   the   reader   of   the   most 

remarkable       events    of  this   country。I    now    live  in   peace    and   safety; 

enjoying   the   sweets   of   liberty;   and   the   bounties   of   Providence;   with   my 

once     fellow…sufferers;     in   this  delightful    country;    which     I  have   seen 

purchased   with   a   vast   expence   of   blood   and   treasure;   delighting   in   the 

prospect of its being; in a short time; one of the most opulent and powerful 

states    on  the   continent    of  North…    America;     which;    with   the   love  and 

gratitude of my country…men; I esteem a sufficient reward for all my toil 

and dangers。 

     Fayette county; Kentucke。 



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