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Diaprepes。  All these and their descendants for many generations were the

inhabitants and rulers of divers islands in the open sea; and also; as has

been already said; they held sway in our direction over the country within

the pillars as far as Egypt and Tyrrhenia。  Now Atlas had a numerous and

honourable family; and they retained the kingdom; the eldest son handing it

on to his eldest for many generations; and they had such an amount of

wealth as was never before possessed by kings and potentates; and is not

likely ever to be again; and they were furnished with everything which they

needed; both in the city and country。  For because of the greatness of

their empire many things were brought to them from foreign countries; and

the island itself provided most of what was required by them for the uses

of life。  In the first place; they dug out of the earth whatever was to be

found there; solid as well as fusile; and that which is now only a name and

was then something more than a name; orichalcum; was dug out of the earth

in many parts of the island; being more precious in those days than

anything except gold。  There was an abundance of wood for carpenter's work;

and sufficient maintenance for tame and wild animals。  Moreover; there were

a great number of elephants in the island; for as there was provision for

all other sorts of animals; both for those which live in lakes and marshes

and rivers; and also for those which live in mountains and on plains; so

there was for the animal which is the largest and most voracious of all。 

Also whatever fragrant things there now are in the earth; whether roots; or

herbage; or woods; or essences which distil from fruit and flower; grew and

thrived in that land; also the fruit which admits of cultivation; both the

dry sort; which is given us for nourishment and any other which we use for

foodwe call them all by the common name of pulse; and the fruits having a

hard rind; affording drinks and meats and ointments; and good store of

chestnuts and the like; which furnish pleasure and amusement; and are

fruits which spoil with keeping; and the pleasant kinds of dessert; with

which we console ourselves after dinner; when we are tired of eatingall

these that sacred island which then beheld the light of the sun; brought

forth fair and wondrous and in infinite abundance。  With such blessings the

earth freely furnished them; meanwhile they went on constructing their

temples and palaces and harbours and docks。  And they arranged the whole

country in the following manner:

First of all they bridged over the zones of sea which surrounded the

ancient metropolis; making a road to and from the royal palace。  And at the

very beginning they built the palace in the habitation of the god and of

their ancestors; which they continued to ornament in successive

generations; every king surpassing the one who went before him to the

utmost of his power; until they made the building a marvel to behold for

size and for beauty。  And beginning from the sea they bored a canal of

three hundred feet in width and one hundred feet in depth and fifty stadia

in length; which they carried through to the outermost zone; making a

passage from the sea up to this; which became a harbour; and leaving an

opening sufficient to enable the largest vessels to find ingress。 

Moreover; they divided at the bridges the zones of land which parted the

zones of sea; leaving room for a single trireme to pass out of one zone

into another; and they covered over the channels so as to leave a way

underneath for the ships; for the banks were raised considerably above the

water。  Now the largest of the zones into which a passage was cut from the

sea was three stadia in breadth; and the zone of land which came next of

equal breadth; but the next two zones; the one of water; the other of land;

were two stadia; and the one which surrounded the central island was a

stadium only in width。  The island in which the palace was situated had a

diameter of five stadia。  All this including the zones and the bridge;

which was the sixth part of a stadium in width; they surrounded by a stone

wall on every side; placing towers and gates on the bridges where the sea

passed in。  The stone which was used in the work they quarried from

underneath the centre island; and from underneath the zones; on the outer

as well as the inner side。  One kind was white; another black; and a third

red; and as they quarried; they at the same time hollowed out double docks;

having roofs formed out of the native rock。  Some of their buildings were

simple; but in others they put together different stones; varying the

colour to please the eye; and to be a natural source of delight。  The

entire circuit of the wall; which went round the outermost zone; they

covered with a coating of brass; and the circuit of the next wall they

coated with tin; and the third; which encompassed the citadel; flashed with

the red light of orichalcum。  The palaces in the interior of the citadel

were constructed on this wise:In the centre was a holy temple dedicated

to Cleito and Poseidon; which remained inaccessible; and was surrounded by

an enclosure of gold; this was the spot where the family of the ten princes

first saw the light; and thither the people annually brought the fruits of

the earth in their season from all the ten portions; to be an offering to

each of the ten。  Here was Poseidon's own temple which was a stadium in

length; and half a stadium in width; and of a proportionate height; having

a strange barbaric appearance。  All the outside of the temple; with the

exception of the pinnacles; they covered with silver; and the pinnacles

with gold。  In the interior of the temple the roof was of ivory; curiously

wrought everywhere with gold and silver and orichalcum; and all the other

parts; the walls and pillars and floor; they coated with orichalcum。  In

the temple they placed statues of gold:  there was the god himself standing

in a chariotthe charioteer of six winged horsesand of such a size that

he touched the roof of the building with his head; around him there were a

hundred Nereids riding on dolphins; for such was thought to be the number

of them by the men of those days。  There were also in the interior of the

temple other images which had been dedicated by private persons。  And

around the temple on the outside were placed statues of gold of all the

descendants of the ten kings and of their wives; and there were many other

great offerings of kings and of private persons; coming both from the city

itself and from the foreign cities over which they held sway。  There was an

altar too; which in size and workmanship corresponded to this magnificence;

and the palaces; in like manner; answered to the greatness of the kingdom

and the glory of the temple。

In the next place; they had fountains; one of cold and another of hot

water; in gracious plenty flowing; and they were wonderfully adapted for

use by reason of the pleasantness and excellence of their waters。  They

constructed buildings about them and planted suitable trees; also they made

cisterns; some open to the heaven; others roofed over; to be used in winter

as warm baths; there were the kings' baths; and the baths of private

persons; which were kept apart; and there were separate baths for women;

and for horses and cattle; and to each of them they gave as much adornment

as was suitable。  Of the water which ran off they carried some to the grove

of Poseidon; where were growing all manner of trees of wonderful height and

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