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michael strogoff-第46章

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He had taken his place behind Michael; holding in his hand a broad
curved saber; one of those Damascene blades which are forged
by the celebrated armorers of Karschi or Hissar。

Behind him guards were carrying a tripod supporting a chafing…dish
filled with live coals。  No smoke arose from this; but a light
vapor surrounded it; due to the incineration of a certain aromatic
and resinous substance which he had thrown on the surface。

The Persians were succeeded by another party of dancers;
whom Michael recognized。  The journalists also appeared to
recognize them; for Blount said to his companion; 〃These are
the Tsiganes of Nijni…Novgorod。〃

〃No doubt of it;〃 cried Alcide。  〃Their eyes; I imagine;
bring more money to these spies than their legs。〃

In putting them down as agents in the Emir's service; Alcide Jolivet was;
by all accounts; not mistaken。

In the first rank of the Tsiganes; Sangarre appeared;
superb in her strange and picturesque costume; which set off
still further her remarkable beauty。

Sangarre did not dance; but she stood as a statue in the midst
of the performers; whose style of dancing was a combination
of that of all those countries through which their race
had passedTurkey; Bohemia; Egypt; Italy; and Spain。  They were
enlivened by the sound of cymbals; which clashed on their arms;
and by the hollow sounds of the 〃daires〃a sort of tambourine
played with the fingers。

Sangarre; holding one of those daires; which she played between
her hands; encouraged this troupe of veritable corybantes。
A young Tsigane; of about fifteen years of age; then advanced。
He held in his hand a 〃doutare;〃 strings of which he made
to vibrate by a simple movement of the nails。  He sung。
During the singing of each couplet; of very peculiar rhythm;
a dancer took her position by him and remained there immovable;
listening to him; but each time that the burden came from the lips
of the young singer; she resumed her dance; dinning in his ears
with her daire; and deafening him with the clashing of her cymbals。
Then; after the last chorus; the remainder surrounded the Tsigane
in the windings of their dance。

At that moment a shower of gold fell from the hands of the Emir and
his train; and from the hands of his officers of all ranks; to the noise
which the pieces made as they struck the cymbals of the dancers;
being added the last murmurs of the doutares and tambourines。

〃Lavish as robbers;〃 said Alcide in the ear of his companion。
And in fact it was the result of plunder which was falling;
for; with the Tartar tomans and sequins; rained also Russian
ducats and roubles。

Then silence followed for an instant; and the voice of the executioner;
who laid his hand on Michael's shoulder; once more pronounced the words;
which this repetition rendered more and more sinister:

〃Look while you may〃

But this time Alcide observed that the executioner no longer held
the saber bare in his hand。

Meanwhile the sun had sunk behind the horizon。  A semi…obscurity began
to envelop the plain。  The mass of cedars and pines became blacker
and blacker; and the waters of the Tom; totally obscured in the distance;
mingled with the approaching shadows。

But at that instant several hundreds of slaves; bearing lighted
torches; entered the square。  Led by Sangarre; Tsiganes and
Persians reappeared before the Emir's throne; and showed off;
by the contrast; their dances of styles so different。
The instruments of the Tartar orchestra sounded forth in harmony
still more savage; accompanied by the guttural cries of the singers。
The kites; which had fallen to the ground; once more winged
their way into the sky; each bearing a parti…colored lantern;
and under a fresher breeze their harps vibrated with intenser
sound in the midst of the aerial illumination。

Then a squadron of Tartars; in their brilliant uniforms;
mingled in the dances; whose wild fury was increasing rapidly;
and then began a performance which produced a very strange effect。
Soldiers came on the ground; armed with bare sabers and
long pistols; and; as they executed dances; they made the air
re…echo with the sudden detonations of their firearms;
which immediately set going the rumbling of the tambourines;
and grumblings of the daires; and the gnashing of doutares。

Their arms; covered with a colored powder of some metallic ingredient;
after the Chinese fashion; threw long jetsred; green; and blue
so that the groups of dancers seemed to be in the midst of fireworks。
In some respects; this performance recalled the military dance
of the ancients; in the midst of naked swords; but this Tartar dance
was rendered yet more fantastic by the colored fire; which wound;
serpent…like; above the dancers; whose dresses seemed to be embroidered
with fiery hems。  It was like a kaleidoscope of sparks; whose infinite
combinations varied at each movement of the dancers。

Though it may be thought that a Parisian reporter would be perfectly
hardened to any scenic effect; which our modern ideas have carried so far;
yet Alcide Jolivet could not restrain a slight movement of the head;
which at home; between the Boulevard Montmartre and La Madeleine would
have said〃Very fair; very fair。〃

Then; suddenly; at a signal; all the lights of the fantasia
were extinguished; the dances ceased; and the performers disappeared。
The ceremony was over; and the torches alone lighted up the plateau;
which a few instants before had been so brilliantly illuminated。

On a sign from the Emir; Michael was led into the middle of the square。

〃Blount;〃 said Alcide to his companion; 〃are you going to see
the end of all this?〃

〃No; that I am not;〃 replied Blount。

〃The readers of the Daily Telegraph are; I hope; not very eager
for the details of an execution a la mode Tartare?〃

〃No more than your cousin!〃

〃Poor fellow!〃 added Alcide; as he watched Michael。  〃That valiant
soldier should have fallen on the field of battle!〃

〃Can we do nothing to save him?〃 said Blount。


The reporters recalled Michael's generous conduct towards them;
they knew now through what trials he must have passed;
ever obedient to his duty; and in the midst of these Tartars;
to whom pity is unknown; they could do nothing for him。
Having little desire to be present at the torture reserved
for the unfortunate man; they returned to the town。
An hour later; they were on the road to Irkutsk; for it was among
the Russians that they intended to follow what Alcide called;
by anticipation; 〃the campaign of revenge。〃

Meantime; Michael was standing ready; his eyes returning the Emir's
haughty glance; while his countenance assumed an expression of intense
scorn whenever he cast his looks on Ivan Ogareff。  He was prepared to die;
yet not a single sign of weakness escaped him。

The spectators; waiting around the square; as well as Feofar…Khan's
body…guard; to whom this execution was only one of the attractions;
were eagerly expecting it。  Then; their curiosity satisfied;
they would rush off to enjoy the pleasures of intoxication。

The Emir made a sign。  Michael was thrust forward by his
guards to the foot of the terrace; and Feofar said to him;
〃You came to see our goings out and comings in; Russian spy。
You have seen for the last time。  In an instant your eyes
will be forever shut to the day。〃

Michael's fate was to be not death; but blindness;
loss of sight; more terrible perhaps than loss of life。
The unhappy man was condemned to be blinded。

However; on hearing the Emir's sentence Michael's heart did not
grow faint。  He remained unmoved; his eyes wide open; as though
he wished to concentrate his whole life into one last look。
To entreat pity from these savage men would be useless; besides;
it would be unworthy of him。  He did not even think of it。
His thoughts were condensed on his mission; which had apparently
so completely failed; on his mother; on Nadia; whom he should never
more see!  But he let no sign appear of the emotion he felt。
Then; a feeling of vengeance to be accomplished came over him。
〃Ivan;〃 said he; in a stern voice; 〃Ivan the Traitor; the last
menace of my eyes shall be for you!〃

Ivan Ogareff shrugged his
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