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michael strogoff-第50章

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only as he said; 〃on condition of finding employment there。〃
In fact; this model clerk; after having stayed to the last
minute at his post in Kolyvan; was endeavoring to place
himself again at the disposal of the government。
〃Why should I receive a salary which I have not earned?〃
he would say。

In the event of his services not being required at Krasnoiarsk;
which it was expected would be still in telegraphic communication
with Irkutsk; he proposed to go to Oudinsk; or even to the capital
of Siberia itself。  In the latter case; he would continue to travel
with the brother and sister; and where would they find a surer guide;
or a more devoted friend?

The kibitka was now only half a verst from Krasnoiarsk。  The numerous
wooden crosses which are erected at the approaches to the town; could be
seen to the right and left of the road。  It was seven in the evening;
the outline of the churches and of the houses built on the high
bank of the Yenisei were clearly defined against the evening sky;
and the waters of the river reflected them in the twilight。

〃Where are we; sister?〃 asked Michael。

〃Half a verst from the first houses;〃 replied Nadia。

〃Can the town be asleep?〃 observed Michael。  〃Not a sound
strikes my ear。〃

〃And I cannot see the slightest light; nor even smoke mounting
into the air;〃 added Nadia。

〃What a queer town!〃 said Nicholas。  〃They make no noise in it;
and go to bed uncommonly early!〃

A presentiment of impending misfortune passed across Michael's heart。
He had not said to Nadia that he had placed all his hopes on Krasnoiarsk;
where he expected to find the means of safely finishing his journey。
He much feared that his anticipations would again be disappointed。

But Nadia had guessed his thoughts; although she could not understand why
her companion should be so anxious to reach Irkutsk; now that the Imperial
letter was gone。  She one day said something of the sort to him。
〃I have sworn to go to Irkutsk;〃 he replied。

But to accomplish his mission; it was necessary that at
Krasnoiarsk he should find some more rapid mode of locomotion。
〃Well; friend;〃 said he to Nicholas; 〃why are we not going on?〃

〃Because I am afraid of waking up the inhabitants of the town
with the noise of my carriage!〃  And with a light fleck of the whip;
Nicholas put his horse in motion。

Ten minutes after they entered the High Street。  Krasnoiarsk was deserted;
there was no longer an Athenian in this 〃Northern Athens;〃
as Madame de Bourboulon has called it。  Not one of their
dashing equipages swept through the wide; clean streets。
Not a pedestrian enlivened the footpaths raised at the bases
of the magnificent wooden houses; of monumental aspect!
Not a Siberian belle; dressed in the last French fashion;
promenaded the beautiful park; cleared in a forest of birch trees;
which stretches away to the banks of the Yenisei!  The great bell
of the cathedral was dumb; the chimes of the churches were silent。
Here was complete desolation。  There was no longer a living being
in this town; lately so lively!

The last telegram sent from the Czar's cabinet; before the rupture
of the wire; had ordered the governor; the garrison; the inhabitants;
whoever they might be; to leave Krasnoiarsk; to carry with them
any articles of value; or which might be of use to the Tartars;
and to take refuge at Irkutsk。  The same injunction was given to all
the villages of the province。  It was the intention of the Muscovite
government to lay the country desert before the invaders。
No one thought for an instant of disputing these orders。
They were executed; and this was the reason why not a single human
being remained in Krasnoiarsk。

Michael Strogoff; Nadia; and Nicholas passed silently through
the streets of the town。  They felt half…stupefied。 They
themselves made the only sound to be heard in this dead city。
Michael allowed nothing of what he felt to appear;
but he inwardly raged against the bad luck which pursued him;
his hopes being again disappointed。

〃Alack; alack!〃 cried Nicholas; 〃I shall never get any employment
in this desert!〃

〃Friend;〃 said Nadia; 〃you must go on with us。〃

〃I must indeed!〃 replied Nicholas。  〃The wire is no doubt
still working between Oudinsk and Irkutsk; and there
Shall we start; little father?〃

〃Let us wait till to…morrow;〃 answered Michael。

〃You are right;〃 said Nicholas。  〃We have the Yenisei to cross;
and need light to see our way there!〃

〃To see!〃 murmured Nadia; thinking of her blind companion。

Nicholas heard her; and turning to Michael; 〃Forgive me; little father;〃
said he。  〃Alas! night and day; it is true; are all the same to you!〃

〃Do not reproach yourself; friend;〃 replied Michael; pressing his
hand over his eyes。  〃With you for a guide I can still act。
Take a few hours' repose。  Nadia must rest too。  To…morrow we
will recommence our journey!〃

Michael and his friends had not to search long for a place of rest。
The first house; the door of which they pushed open; was empty;
as well as all the others。  Nothing could be found within but a
few heaps of leaves。  For want of better fodder the horse had
to content himself with this scanty nourishment。  The provisions
of the kibitka were not yet exhausted; so each had a share。
Then; after having knelt before a small picture of the Panaghia;
hung on the wall; and still lighted up by a flickering lamp;
Nicholas and the young girl slept; whilst Michael; over whom
sleep had no influence; watched。

Before daybreak the next morning; the 26th of August; the horse
was drawing the kibitka through the forests of birch trees
towards the banks of the Yenisei。  Michael was in much anxiety。
How was he to cross the river; if; as was probable; all boats
had been destroyed to retard the Tartars' march?  He knew
the Yenisei; its width was considerable; its currents strong。
Ordinarily by means of boats specially built for the conveyance
of travelers; carriages; and horses; the passage of the Yenisei
takes about three hours; and then it is with extreme difficulty
that the boats reach the opposite bank。  Now; in the absence
of any ferry; how was the kibitka to get from one bank
to the other?

Day was breaking when the kibitka reached the left bank;
where one of the wide alleys of the park ended。
They were about a hundred feet above the Yenisei; and could
therefore survey the whole of its wide course。

〃Do you see a boat?〃 asked Michael; casting his eyes eagerly
about from one side to the other; mechanically; no doubt;
as if he could really see。

〃It is scarcely light yet; brother;〃 replied Nadia。  〃The fog
is still thick; and we cannot see the water。〃

〃But I hear it roaring;〃 said Michael。

Indeed; from the fog issued a dull roaring sound。
The waters being high rushed down with tumultuous violence。
All three waited until the misty curtain should rise。
The sun would not be long in dispersing the vapors。

〃Well?〃 asked Michael。

〃The fog is beginning to roll away; brother;〃 replied Nadia;
〃and it will soon be clear。〃

〃Then you do not see the surface of the water yet?〃

〃Not yet。〃

〃Have patience; little father;〃 said Nicholas。  〃All this
will soon disappear。  Look! here comes the breeze!
It is driving away the fog。  The trees on the opposite
hills are already appearing。  It is sweeping; flying away。
The kindly rays of the sun have condensed all that mass of mist。
Ah! how beautiful it is; my poor fellow; and how unfortunate
that you cannot see such a lovely sight!〃

〃Do you see a boat?〃 asked Michael。

〃I see nothing of the sort;〃 answered Nicholas。

〃Look well; friend; on this and the opposite bank; as far as your eye
can reach。  A raft; even a canoe?〃

Nicholas and Nadia; grasping the bushes on the edge of the cliff;
bent over the water。  The view they thus obtained was extensive。
At this place the Yenisei is not less than a mile in width; and forms
two arms; of unequal size; through which the waters flow swiftly。
Between these arms lie several islands; covered with alders;
willows; and poplars; looking like verdant ships; anchored in
the river。  Beyond rise the high hills of the Eastern shore;
crowned with forests; whose tops were 
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