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a smaller history of greece-第29章

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The fate of the Plataeans and Mytileneans affords a fearful illustration of the manners of the age; but these horrors soon found a parallel in Corcyra。  A fearful struggle took place in this island between the aristocratical and democratical parties。 The people at length obtained the mastery; and the vengeance which they took on their opponents was fearful。  The most sacred sanctuaries afforded no protection; the nearest ties of blood and kindred were sacrificed to civil hatred。  In one case a father slew even his own son。  These scenes of horror lasted for seven days; during which death in every conceivable form was busily at work。

The seventh year of the war (B。C。 425) was marked by an important event。  An Athenian fleet was detained by bad weather at Pylus in Messenia; on the modern bay of Navarino。  Demosthenes; an active Athenian officer; who was on board the fleet; thought it an eligible spot on which to establish some of the Messenians from Naupactus; since it was a strong position; from which they might annoy the Lacedaemonians; and excite revolt among their Helot kinsmen。  As the bad weather continued for some time; the soldiers on board amused themselves; under the directions of Demosthenes; in constructing a sort of rude fortification。  The nature of the ground was favourable for the work; and in five or six days a wall was throws up sufficient for the purposes of defence。  Demosthenes undertook to garrison the place; and five ships and 200 hoplites were left behind with him。

This insult to the Lacedaemonian territory caused great alarm and indignation at Sparta。  The Peloponnesian fleet was ordered to Pylus; and the Lacedaemonian commander; on arriving with the fleet; immediately occupied the small uninhabited and densely wooded island of Sphacteria; which; with the exception of two narrow channels on the north and south; almost blocked up the entrance of the bay。  Between the island and the mainland was a spacious basin; in which the fleet took up its station。  The Lacedaemonians lost no time in attacking the fortress; but notwithstanding their repeated attempts they were unable to effect a landing。

Whilst they were preparing for another assault; they were surprised by the appearance of the Athenian fleet。  They had strangely neglected to secure the entrances into the bay:  and; when the Athenian ships came sailing through both the undefended channels; many of their triremes were still moored; and part of their crews ashore。  The battle which ensued was desperate。  Both sides fought with extraordinary valour; but victory at length declared for the Athenians。  Five Peloponnesian ships were captured; the rest were saved only by running them ashore; where they were protected by the Lacedaemonian army。

The Athenians; thus masters of the sea; were enabled to blockade the island of Sphacteria; in which the flower of the Lacedaemonian army was shut up; many of them native Spartans of the highest families。  In so grave an emergency messengers were sent to Sparta for advice。  The Ephors themselves immediately repaired to the spot; and so desponding was their view of the matter; that they saw no issue from it but a peace。  They therefore proposed and obtained an armistice for the purpose of opening negotiations at Athens。  But the Athenians; at the instigation of Cleon; insisted upon the most extravagant demands; and hostilities were accordingly resumed。  They were not however attended with any decisive result。  The blockade of Sphacteria began to grow tedious and harassing。  The force upon it continually received supplies of provisions either from swimmers; who towed skins filled with linseed and poppy…seed mixed with honey; or from Helots; who; induced by the promise of large rewards; eluded the blockading squadron during dark and stormy nights; and landed cargoes on the back of the island。  The summer; moreover; was fast wearing away; and the storms of winter might probably necessitate the raising of the blockade altogether。  Under these circumstances; Demosthenes began to contemplate a descent upon the island; with which view he sent a message to Athens to explain the unfavourable state of the blockade; and to request further assistance。

These tidings were very distasteful to the Athenians; who had looked upon Sphacteria as their certain prey。  They began to regret having let slip the favourable opportunity for making a peace; and to vent their displeasure upon Cleon; the director of their conduct on that occasion。  But Cleon put on a face of brass。  He abused the Strategi。  His political opponent; Nicias; was then one of those officers; a man of quiet disposition and moderate abilities; but thoroughly honest and incorruptible。  Him Cleon now singled out for his vituperation; and; pointing at him with his finger; exclaimed〃It would be easy enough to take the island if our generals were MEN。  If I were General; I would do it at once!〃  This burst of the tanner made the assembly laugh。 He was saluted with cries of 〃Why don't you go; then?〃  and Nicias; thinking probably to catch his opponent in his own trap; seconded the voice of the assembly by offering to place at his disposal whatever force he might deem necessary for the enterprise。  Cleon at first endeavoured to avoid the dangerous honour thus thrust upon him。  But the more he drew back the louder were the assembly in calling upon him to accept the office; and as Nicias seriously repeated his proposition; he adopted with a good grace what there was no longer any possibility of evading; and asserted that he would take Sphacteria within twenty days; and either kill all the Lacedaemonians upon it; or bring them prisoners to Athens。

Never did general set out upon an enterprise under circumstances more singular; but; what was still more extraordinary; fortune enabled him to make his promise good。  In fact; as we have seen; Demosthenes had already resolved on attacking the island; and when Cleon arrived at Pylus he found everything prepared for the assault。  Accident favoured the enterprise。  A fire kindled by some Athenian sailors; who had landed for the purpose of cooking their dinner; caught and destroyed the woods with which the island was overgrown; and thus deprived the Lacedaemonians of one of their principal defences。  Nevertheless such was the awe inspired by the reputation of the Spartan army that Demosthenes considered it necessary to land about 10;000 soldiers of different descriptions; although the Lacedaemonian force consisted of only about 420 men。  But this small force for a long while kept their assailants at bay; till some Messenians; stealing round by the sea…shore; over crags and cliffs which the Lacedaemonians had deemed impracticable; suddenly appeared on the high ground which overhung their rear。  They now began to give way; and would soon have been all slain; but Cleon and Demosthenes; being anxious to carry them prisoners to Athens; sent a herald to summon them to surrender。  The latter; in token of compliance; dropped their shields; and waved their hands above their heads。  They requested; however; permission to communicate with their countrymen on the mainland; who; after two or three communications; sent them a final message〃to take counsel for themselves; but to do nothing disgraceful。〃  The survivors then surrendered。  They were 292 in number; 120 of whom were native Spartans belonging to the first families。  By this surrender the prestige of the Spartan arms was in a great degree destroyed。 The Spartans were not; indeed; deemed invincible; but their previous feats; especially at Thermopylae; had inspired the notion that they would rather die than yield; an opinion which could now no longer be entertained。

Cleon had thus performed his promise。  On the day after the victory he and Demosthenes started with the prisoners for Athens; where they arrived within 20 days from the time of Cleon's departure。  Altogether; this affair was one of the most favourable for the Athenians that had occurred during the war。 The prisoners would serve not only for a guarantee against future invasions; which might be averted by threatening to put them to death; but also as a means for extorting advantageous conditions whenever a peace should be conclu
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