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a smaller history of greece-第33章

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e now a besieged rather than a besieging force。  Their triremes were becoming leaky; and their soldiers and sailors were constantly deserting。  Nicias himself had fallen into a bad state of health; and in this discouraging posture of affairs he wrote to Athens requesting to he recalled; and insisting strongly on the necessity of sending reinforcements。

The Athenians refused to recall Nicias; but they determined on sending a large reinforcement to Sicily; under the joint command of Demosthenes and Eurymedon。  The news of these fresh and extensive preparations incited the Lacedaemonians to more vigorous action。  The peace; if such it can be called; was now openly broken; and in the spring of 413 B。C。 the Lacedaemonians; under King Agis; invaded Attica itself; and; following the advice of Alcibiades; established themselves permanently at Decelia; a place situated on the ridge of Mount Parnes about 14 miles north of Athens; and commanding the Athenian plain。  The city was thus placed in a state of siege。  Scarcity began to be felt within the walls; the revenues were falling off; whilst on the other hand expenses were increasing。

Meanwhile in Sicily the Syracusans had gained such confidence that they even ventured on a naval engagement with the Athenians。 In the first battle the Athenians were victorious; but the second battle; which lasted two days; ended in their defeat。  They were now obliged to haul up their ships in the innermost part of the Great Harbour; under the lines of their fortified camp。  A still more serious disaster than the loss of the battle was the loss of their naval reputation。  It was evident that the Athenians had ceased to be invincible on the sea; and the Syracusans no longer despaired of overcoming them on their own element。

Such was the state of affairs when; to the astonishment of the Syracusans; a fresh Athenian fleet of 75 triremes; under Demosthenes and Eurymedon; entered the Great Harbour with all the pomp and circumstance of war。  It had on board a force of 5000 hoplites; of whom about a quarter were Athenians; and a great number of light…armed troops。  The active and enterprising character of Demosthenes led him to adopt more vigorous measures than those which had been hitherto pursued。  He saw at once that whilst Epipolae remained in the possession of the Syracusans there was no hope of taking their city; and he therefore directed all his efforts to the recapture of that position。  But his attempts were unavailing。  He was defeated not only in an open assault upon the Syracusan wall; but in a nocturnal attempt to carry it by surprise。  These reverses were aggravated by the breaking out of sickness among the troops。  Demosthenes now proposed to return home and assist in expelling the Lacedaemonians from Attica; instead of pursuing an enterprise which seemed to be hopeless。  But Nicias; who feared to return to Athens with the stigma of failure; refused to give his consent to this step。  Demosthenes then urged Nicias at least to sail immediately out of the Great Harbour; and take up their position either at Thapsus or Catana; where they could obtain abundant supplies of provisions; and would have an open sea for the manoeuvres of their fleet。  But even to this proposal Nicias would not consent; and the army and navy remained in their former position。  Soon afterwards; however; Gylippus received such large reinforcements; that Nicias found it necessary to adopt the advice of his colleague。  Preparations were secretly made for their departure; the enemy appear to have had no suspicion of their intention and they were on the point of quitting their ill… fated quarters on the following morning; when on the very night before (27 Aug。 413 B。C。) an eclipse of the moon took place。  The soothsayers who were consulted said that the army must wait thrice nine days; a full circle of the moon; before it could quit its present position; and the devout and superstitious Nicias forthwith resolved to abide by this decision。

Meanwhile the intention of the Athenians became known to the Syracusans; who determined to strike a blow before their enemy escaped。  They accordingly attacked the Athenian station both by sea and land。  On land the attack of Gylippus was repulsed; but at sea the Athenian fleet was completely defeated; and Eurymedon; who commanded the right division; was slain The spirits of the Symcusans rose with their victories; and though they would formerly have been content with the mere retreat of the Athenians; they now resolved on effecting their utter destruction。  With this view they blocked up the entrance of the Great Harbour with a line of vessels moored across it。  All hope seemed now to be cut off from the Athenians; unless they could succeed in forcing this line and thus effecting their escape。 The Athenian fleet still numbered 110 triremes; which Nicias furnished with grappling…irons; in order to bring the enemy to close quarters; and then caused a large proportion of his land… force to embark。

Never perhaps was a battle fought under circumstances of such intense interest; or witnessed by so many spectators vitally concerned in the result。  The basin of the Great Harbour; about 5 miles in circumference; in which nearly 200 ships; each with crews of more than 200 men; were about to engage; was lined with spectators。  The Syracusan fleet was the first to leave the shore。  A considerable portion was detached to guard the barrier at the mouth of the harbour。  Hither the first and most impetuous attack of the Athenians was directed; who sought to break through the narrow opening which had been left for the passage of merchant vessels。  Their onset was repulsed; and the battle then became general。  The shouts of the combatants; and the crash of the iron heads of the vessels as they were driven together; resounded over the water; and were answered on shore by the cheers or wailings of the spectators as their friends were victorious or vanquished。  For a long time the battle was maintained with heroic courage and dubious result。  At length; as the Athenian vessels began to yield and make back towards the shore; a universal shriek of horror and despair arose from the Athenian army; whilst shouts of joy and victory were raised from the pursuing vessels; and were echoed back from the Syracusans on land。  As the Athenian vessels neared the shore their crews leaped out; and made for the camp; whilst the boldest of the land army rushed forward to protect the ships from being seized by the enemy。  The Athenians succeeded in saving only 60 ships; or about half their fleet。  The Syracusan fleet; however; had been reduced to 50 ships; and on the same afternoon; Nicias and Demosthenes; as a last hope of escape; exhorted their men to make another attempt to break the enemy's line; and force their way out of the harbour。  But the courage of the crews was so completely damped that they positively refused to re…embark。

The Athenian army still numbered 40;000 men; and as all chance of escape by sea was now hopeless; it was resolved to retreat by land to some friendly city; and there defend themselves against the attacks of the Syracusans。  As the soldiers turned to quit that fatal encampment; the sense of their own woes was for a moment suspended by the sight of their unburied comrades; who seemed to reproach them with the neglect of a sacred duty; but still more by the wailings and entreaties of the wounded; who clung around their knees; and implored not to be abandoned to certain destruction。  Amid this scene of universal woe and dejection; a fresh and unwonted spirit of energy and heroism seemed to be infused into Nicias。  Though suffering under an incurable complaint; he was everywhere seen marshalling his troops and encouraging them by his exhortations。  The march was directed towards the territory of the Sicels in the interior of the island。  The army was formed into a hollow square with the baggage in the middle; Nicias leading the van; and Demosthenes bringing up the rear。  The road ascended by a sort of ravine over a steep hill called the Acraean cliff on which the Syracusans had fortified themselves。  After spending two days in vain attempts to force this position; Nicias and Demosthenes resolved dur
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