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a ward of the golden gate-第13章

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wanted to know that they couldn't teach me; so many times I wanted
advice from some one that I could trust。  Colonel Pendleton was
very good to me when he came; he always treated me like a princess
even when I wore short frocks。  It was his manner that first made
me think he knew my family; but I never felt as if I could tell him
anything; and I don't think; with all his chivalrous respect; he
ever understood me。  As to the othersthe Mayorswell; you may
judge from Mr。 Henderson。  It is a wonder that I did not run away
or do something desperate。  Now; are you not a LITTLE sorry?〃

Her voice; which had as many capricious changes as her manner; had
been alternately coquettish; petulant; and serious; had now become
playful again。  But; like the rest of her sex; she was evidently
more alert to her surroundings at such a moment than her companion;
for before he could make any reply; she said; without apparently
looking; 〃But there is a deputation coming for you; Mr。 Hathaway。
You see; the case is hopeless。  You never would be able to give to
one what is claimed by the many。〃

Paul glanced down the rose…alley; and saw that the deputation in
question was composed of the Mayor; Mr。 Woods; a thin; delicate…
looking woman;evidently Mrs。 Woods;and Milly。  The latter
managed to reach the summer…house first; with apparently youthful
alacrity; but really to exchange; in a single glance; some
mysterious feminine signal with Yerba。  Then she said with
breathless infelicity:

〃Before you two get bored with each other now; I must tell you
there's a chance of you having more time。  Aunty has promised to
send off a note excusing you to the Reverend Mother; if she can
persuade Mr。 Hathaway to stay over to…night。  But here they are。
'To Yerba'  Aunty is most anxious; and won't hear of his going。〃

Indeed; it seemed as if Mrs。 Woods was; after a refined fashion;
most concerned that a distinguished visitor like Mr。 Hathaway
should have to use her house as a mere accidental meeting…place
with his ward; without deigning to accept her hospitality。  She was
reinforced by Mr。 Woods; who enunciated the same idea with more
masculine vigor; and by the Mayor; who expressed his conviction
that a slight of this kind to Rosario would be felt in the Santa
Clara valley。  〃After dinner; my dear Hathaway;〃 concluded Mr。
Woods; 〃a few of our neighbors may drop in; who would be glad to
shake you by the handno formal meeting; my boybut; hang it!
THEY expect it。〃

Paul looked around for Yerba。  There was really no reason why he
shouldn't accept; although an hour ago the idea had never entered
his mind。  Yet; if he did; he would like the girl to know that it
was for HER sake。  Unfortunately; far from exhibiting any concern
in the matter; she seemed to be preoccupied with Milly; and only
the charming back of her head was visible behind Mrs。 Woods。  He
accepted; however; with a hesitation that took some of the
graciousness from his yielding; and a sense that he was giving a
strange importance to a trivial circumstance。

The necessity of attaching himself to his hostess; and making a
more extended tour of the grounds; for a while diverted him from an
uneasy consideration of his past interview。  Mrs。 Woods had known
Yerba through the school friendship of Milly; and; as far as the
religious rules of the convent would allow; had always been
delighted to show her any hospitality。  She was a beautiful girl
did not Mr。 Hathaway think so?and a girl of great character。  It
was a pity; of course; that she had never known a mother's care;
and that the present routine of a boarding…school had usurped the
tender influences of home。  She believed; too; that the singular
rotation of guardianship had left the girl practically without a
counseling friend to rely upon; except; perhaps; Colonel Pendleton;
and while she; Mrs。 Woods; did not for a moment doubt that the
colonel might be a good friend and a pleasant companion of MEN;
really he; Mr。 Hathaway; must admit that; with his reputation and
habits; he was hardly a fit associate for a young lady。  Indeed;
Mr。 Woods would have never allowed Milly to invite Yerba here if
Colonel Pendleton was to have been her escort。  Of course; the poor
girl could not choose her own guardian; but Mr。 Woods said HE had a
right to choose who should be his niece's company。  Perhaps Mr。
Woods was prejudiced;most men were;yet surely Mr。 Hathaway;
although a loyal friend of Colonel Pendleton's; must admit that
when it was an open scandal that the colonel had fought a duel
about a notoriously common woman; and even blasphemously defended
her before a party of gentlemen; it was high time; as Mr。 Woods
said; that he should be remanded to their company exclusively。  No;
Mrs。 Woods could not admit that this was owing to the injustice of
her own sex!  Men are really the ones who make the fuss over those
things; just as they; as Mr。 Hathaway well knew; made the laws!
No; it was a great pity; as she and her husband had just agreed;
that Mr。 Hathaway; of all the guardians; could not have been always
the help and counselorin fact; the elder brotherof poor Yerba!
Paul was conscious that he winced slightly; consistently and
conscientiously; at the recollection of certain passages of his
youth; inconsistently and meanly; at this suggestion of a joint
relationship with Yerba's mother。

〃I think; too;〃 continued Mrs。 Woods; 〃she has worried foolishly
about this ridiculous mystery of her parentageas if it could make
the slightest difference to a girl with a quarter of a million; or
as if that didn't show quite conclusively that she WAS somebody!〃

〃Certainly;〃 said Paul; quickly; with a relief that he nevertheless
felt was ridiculous。

〃And; of course; I dare say it will all come out when she is of
age。  I suppose you know if any of the family are still living?〃

〃I really do not。〃

〃I beg your pardon;〃 said Mrs。 Woods; with a smile。  〃I forgot it's
a profound secret until then。  But here we are at the house; I see
the girls have walked over to our neighbors'。  Perhaps you would
like to have a few moments to yourself before you dress for dinner;
and your portmanteau; which has been sent for; comes from your
hotel。  You must be tired of seeing so many people。〃

Paul was glad to accept any excuse for being alone; and; thanking
his hostess; followed a servant to his rooma low…ceilinged but
luxuriously furnished apartment on the first floor。  Here he threw
himself on a cushioned lounge that filled the angle of the deep
embrasurethe thickness of the old adobe wallsthat formed a part
of the wooden…latticed window。  A Cape jessamine climbing beside it
filled the room with its subtle; intoxicating perfume。  It was so
strong; and he felt himself so irresistibly overpowered and
impelled towards a merely idle reverie; that; in order to think
more clearly and shut out some strange and unreasoning enthrallment
of his senses; he rose and sharply closed the window。  Then he sat
down and reflected。

What was he doing here? and what was the meaning of all this?  He
had come simply to fulfill a duty to his past; and please a
helpless and misunderstood old acquaintance。  He had performed that
duty。  But he had incidentally learned a certain fact that might be
important to this friend; and clearly his duty was simply to go
back and report it。  He would gain nothing more in the way of
corroboration of it by staying now; if further corroboration were
required。  Colonel Pendleton had already been uselessly and
absurdly perplexed about the possible discovery of the girl's
parentage; and its effect upon her fortunes and herself。  She had
just settled that of her own accord; and; without committing
herself or others; had suggested a really sensible plan by which
all trouble would be avoided in future。  That was the common…sense
way of looking at it。  He would lay the plan before the colonel;
have him judge of its expediency and its ethicsand even the
question whether she already knew the real truth; or was self…
deceived。  That done; he would return to his own affairs in
Sacramento。  There was nothing difficult in this; or that need
worry him; only he could have done it j
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