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a ward of the golden gate-第24章

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and; by Jove! sir; the amount of mortgages she was expected to pay
off before she married them。  She knew the amount of income she had
to bring to the Prussian Army; from the general to the lieutenant。
She understood her own value and her rights。  There was a young
English lordling she met on the Rhine; whose boyish ways and
simplicity seemed to please her。  They were great friends; but he
wanted himthe colonelto induce her to accept an invitation for
both to visit his mother's home in England; that his people might
see her。  But she declined; sir!  She declined to pass in review
before his mother。  She said it was for HIM to pass in review
before HER mother。

〃Did she say that?〃 interrupted Paul; fixing his bright eyes upon
the colonel。

〃If she had one; if she had one;〃 corrected the colonel; hastily。
〃Of course it was only an illustration。  That she is an orphan is
generally known; sir。〃

There was a dead silence for a few moments。  The colonel leaned
back in his chair and pulled his moustache。  Paul turned away his
eyes; and seemed absorbed in reflection。  After a moment the
colonel coughed; pushed aside his glass; and; leaning across the
table; said; 〃I have a favor to ask of you; Mr。 Hathaway。〃

There was such a singular change in the tone of his voice; an
unexpected relaxation of some artificial tension;a relaxation
which struck Paul so pathetically as being as much physical as
mental; as if he had suddenly been overtaken in some exertion by
the weakness of age;that he looked up quickly。  Certainly;
although still erect and lightly grasping his moustache; the
colonel looked older。

〃By all means; my dear colonel;〃 said Paul warmly。

〃During the time you remain here you can hardly help meeting Miss
Arguello; perhaps frequently。  It would be strange if you did not;
it would appear to everybody still stranger。  Give me your word as
a gentleman that you will not make the least allusion to her of the
pastnor reopen the subject。〃

Paul looked fixedly at the colonel。  〃I certainly had no intention
of doing so;〃 he said after a pause; 〃for I thought it was already
settled by you beyond disturbance or discussion。  But do I
understand you; that SHE has shown any uneasiness regarding it?
From what you have just told me of her plans and ambition; I can
scarcely imagine that she has any suspicion of the real facts。〃

〃Certainly not;〃 said the colonel hurriedly。  〃But I have your

〃I promise you;〃 said Paul; after a pause; 〃that I shall neither
introduce nor refer to the subject myself; and that if SHE should
question me again regarding it; which is hardly possible; I will
reveal nothing without your consent。〃

〃Thank you;〃 said Pendleton; without; however; exhibiting much
relief in his face。  〃She will return here to…morrow。〃

〃I thought you said she was absent for some days;〃 said Paul。

〃Yes; but she is coming back to say good…by to Dona Anna; who
arrives here with her brother the same day; on their way to Paris。〃

It flashed through Paul's mind that the last time he had seen her
was in the company of the Briones。  It was not a pleasant
coincidence。  Yet he was not aware that it had affected him; until
he saw the colonel watching him。

〃I believe you don't fancy the brother;〃 said Pendleton。

For an instant Paul was strongly tempted to avow his old vague
suspicions of Don Caesar; but the utter hopelessness of reopening
the whole subject again; and his recollection of the passage in
Pendleton's letter that purported to be Yerba's own theory of his
dislike; checked him in time。  He only said; 〃I don't remember
whether I had any cause for disliking Don Caesar; I can tell better
when I see him again;〃 and changed the subject。  A few moments
later the colonel summoned George from some lower region of the
hotel; and rose to take his leave。  〃Miss Arguello; with her maid
and courier; will occupy her old suite of rooms here;〃 he remarked;
with a return of his old imperiousness。  〃George has given the
orders for her。  I shall not change my present lodgings; but of
course will call every day。  Goodnight!〃


The next morning Paul could not help noticing an increased and even
exaggerated respect paid him by the hotel attendants。  He was asked
if his EXCELLENCY would he served with breakfast in a private room;
and his condescension in selecting the public coffee…room struck
the obsequious chamberlain; but did not prevent him from preceding
Paul backwards to the table; and summoning a waiter to attend
specially upon 〃milor。〃  Surmising that George and the colonel
might be in some way connected with this extravagance; he postponed
an investigation till he should have seen them again。  And;
although he hardly dared to confess it to himself; the unexpected
prospect of meeting Yerba again fully preoccupied his thoughts。  He
had believed that he would eventually see her in Europe; in some
vague and indefinite way and hour: it had been in his mind when he
started from California。  That it would be so soon; and in such a
simple and natural manner; he had never conceived。

〃He had returned from his morning walk to the Brunnen; and was
sitting idly in his room; when there was a knock at the door。  It
opened to a servant bearing a salver with a card。  Paul lifted it
with a slight tremor; not at the engraved name of 〃Maria Concepcion
de Arguellos de la Yerba Buena;〃 but at the remembered school…girl
hand that had penciled underneath the words; 〃wishes the favor of
an audience with his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant…Governor of the

Paul looked inquiringly at the servant。  〃The gnadige Fraulein was
in her own salon。  Would EXCELLENCY walk that way?  It was but a
step; in effect; the next apartment。〃

Paul followed him into the hall with wondering steps。  The door of
the next room was open; and disclosed a handsomely furnished salon。
A tall graceful figure rose quickly from behind a writing…table;
and advanced with outstretched hands and a frank yet mischievous
smile。  It was Yerba。

Standing there in a grayish hat; mantle; and traveling dress; all
of one subdued yet alluring tone; she looked as beautiful as when
he had last seen herand yetunlike。  For a brief bitter moment
his instincts revolted at this familiar yielding up in his fair
countrywomen of all that was distinctively original in them to
alien tastes and habits; and he resented the plastic yet
characterless mobility which made Yerba's Parisian dress and
European manner fit her so charmingly and yet express so little。
For a brief critical moment he remembered the placid; unchanging
simplicity of German; and the inflexible and ingrained reserve of
English; girlhood; in opposition to this indistinctive cosmopolitan
grace。  But only for a moment。  As soon as she spoke; a certain
flavor of individuality seemed to return to her speech。

〃Confess;〃 she said; 〃it was a courageous thing for me to do。  You
might have been somebody elsea real Excellencyor heaven knows
what!  Or; what is worse in your new magnificence; you might have
forgotten one of your oldest; most humble; but faithful subjects。〃
She drew back and made him a mock ceremonious curtsy; that even in
its charming exaggeration suggested to Paul; however; that she had
already made it somewhere seriously。

〃But what does it all mean?〃 he asked; smiling; feeling not only
his doubts and uneasiness vanish; but even the years of separation
melt away in her presence。  〃I know I went to bed last night a very
humble individual; and yet I seem to awaken this morning a very
exalted personage。  Am I really Commander of the Faithful; or am I
dreaming?  Might I trouble you; as my predecessor Abou Hassan did
Sweetlips; to bite my little finger?〃

〃Do you mean to say you have not seen the 'Auzeiger?'〃 she
returned; taking a small German printed sheet from the table and
pointing to a paragraph。  Paul took the paper。  Certainly there was
the plain announcement among the arrivals of 〃His Excellency Paul
Hathaway; Lord Lieutenant…Governor of the Californias。〃  A light
flashed upon him。

〃This is George's work。  He and Colonel Pendleton were here with me
last night。〃

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