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a ward of the golden gate-第7章

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asked to withdraw his proxy。

〃No matter; sir;〃 said the colonel; impatiently; 〃you had the
right; and I suppose;〃 he added with half…concealed scorn; 〃it was
your duty。  But let that pass。  The money is safe enough; but; Mr。
Hathaway;and this is the point I want to discuss with you;it
begins to look as if the SECRET was safe no longer!〃  He had raised
himself with some pain and difficulty to draw nearer to Paul; and
had again fixed his eyes eagerly upon him。  But Paul's responsive
glance was so vague that he added quickly; 〃You understand; sir; I
believe that there are houndsI say hounds!who would be able to
blurt out at any moment that that girl at Santa Clara is Kate
Howard's daughter。〃

At any other moment Paul might have questioned the gravity of any
such contingency; but the terrible earnestness of the speaker; his
dominant tone; and a certain respect which had lately sprung up in
his breast for him; checked him; and he only asked with as much
concern as he could master for the moment:

〃What makes you think so?〃

〃That's what I want to tell you; Hathaway; and how I; and I alone;
am responsible for it。  When the bank was in difficulty and I made
up my mind to guard the Trust with my own personal and private
capital; I knew that there might be some comment on my action。  It
was a delicate matter to show any preference or exclusion at such a
moment; and I took two or three of my brother directors whom I
thought I could trust into my confidence。  I told them the whole
story; and how the Trust was sacred。  I made a mistake; sir;〃
continued Pendleton sardonically; 〃a grave mistake。  I did not take
into account that even in three years civilization and religion had
gained ground here。  There was a hound therea blank Judas in the
Trust。  Well; he didn't see it。  I think he talked Scripture and
morality。  He said something about the wages of sin being infamous;
and only worthy of confiscation。  He talked about the sins of the
father being visited upon the children; and justly。  I stopped him。
Well!  Do you know what's the matter with my ankle?  Look!〃  He
stopped and; with some difficulty and invincible gravity; throwing
aside his dressing…gown; turned down his stocking; and exposed to
Paul's gaze the healed cicatrix of an old bullet…wound。  〃Troubled
me damnably near a year。  Where I hit HIMhasn't troubled him at
all since!

〃I think;〃 continued the colonel; falling back upon the pillow with
an air of relief; 〃that he told othersof his own kidney; sir;
though it was a secret among gentlemen。  But they have preferred to
be silent nowthan AFTERWARDS。  They know that I'm ready。  But I
can't keep this up long; some time; you know; they're bound to
improve in practice and hit higher up!  As far as I'm concerned;〃
he added; with a grim glance around the faded walls and threadbare
furniture; 〃it don't mind; but mine isn't the mouth to be stopped。〃
He paused; and then abruptly; yet with a sudden and pathetic
dropping of his dominant note; said: 〃Hathaway; you're young; and
Hammersley liked youwhat's to be done?  I thought of passing over
my tools to you。  You can shoot; and I hear you HAVE。  But the hl
of it is that if you dropped a man or two people would ask WHY; and
want to know what it was about; while; when I do; nobody here
thinks it anything but MY WAY!  I don't mean that it would hurt you
with the crowd to wipe out one or two of these hounds during the
canvass; but the trouble is that they belong to YOUR PARTY; and;〃
he added grimly; 〃that wouldn't help your career。〃

〃But;〃 said Paul; ignoring the sarcasm; are you not magnifying the
effect of a disclosure?  The girl is an heiress; excellently
brought up。  Who will bother about the antecedents of the mother;
who has disappeared; whom she never knew; and who is legally dead
to her?〃

〃In my day; sir; no one who knew the circumstances;〃 returned the
colonel; quickly。  〃But we are living in a blessed era of Christian
retribution and civilized propriety; and I believe there are a lot
of men and women about who have no other way of showing their own
virtue than by showing up another's vice。  We're in a reaction of
reform。  It's the old drunkards who are always more clamorous for
total abstinence than the moderately temperate。  I tell you;
Hathaway; there couldn't be an unluckier moment for our secret
coming out。〃

〃But she will be of age soon。〃

〃In two months。〃

〃And sure to marry。〃

〃Marry!〃 repeated Pendleton; with grim irony。  〃Would YOU marry

〃That's another question;〃 said the young man; promptly; 〃and one
of individual taste; but it does not affect my general belief that
she could easily find a husband as good and better。〃

〃Suppose she found one BEFORE the secret is out。  Ought he be


〃And that would imply telling HER?〃

〃Yes;〃 said Paul; but not so promptly。  〃And you consider THAT
fulfilling the promise of the Trustthe pledges exchanged with
that woman?〃 continued Pendleton; with glittering eyes and a return
to his own dominant tone。

〃My dear colonel;〃 said Paul; somewhat less positively; but still
smiling; 〃you have made a romantic; almost impossible compact with
Mrs。 Howard that; you yourself are now obliged to admit;
circumstances may prevent your carrying out substantially。  You
forget; also; that you have just told me that you have already
broken your pledgeunder circumstances; it is true; that do you
honorand that now your desperate attempts to retrieve it have
failed。  Now; I really see nothing wrong in your telling to a
presumptive well…wisher of the girl what you have told to her

There was a dead silence。  The prostrate man uttered a slight
groan; as if in pain; and drew up his leg to change his position。
After a pause; he said; in a restrained voice; 〃I differ from you;
Mr。 Hathaway; but enough of this for the present。  I have something
else to say。  It will be necessary for one of us to go at once to
Santa Clara and see Miss Yerba Buena。〃

〃Good heavens!〃 said Paul; quickly。  〃Do you call her THAT?〃

〃Certainly; sir。  You gave her the name。  Have you forgotten?〃

〃I only suggested it;〃 returned Paul; hopelessly; 〃but no matter
go on。〃

〃I cannot go there; as you see;〃 continued Pendleton; with a weary
gesture towards his crippled ankle; 〃and I should particularly like
you to see her before we make the joint disposition of her affairs
with the Mayor; two months hence。  I have some papers you can show
her; and I have already written a letter introducing you to the
Lady Superior at the convent; and to her。  You have never seen

〃No;〃 said Paul。  〃But of course you have?〃

〃Not for three years。〃

Paul's eyes evidently expressed some wonder; for a moment after the
colonel added; 〃I believe; Hathaway; I am looked upon as a queer
survival of a rather lawless and improper past。  At least; I have
thought it better not socially to compromise her by my presence。
The Mayor goes thereat the examinations and exercises; I believe;
sir; they make a sort of reception for himwith aabanquet
lemonade and speeches。〃

〃I had intended to leave for Sacramento to…morrow night;〃 said
Paul; glancing curiously at the helpless man; 〃but I will go there
if you wish。〃

〃Thank you。  It will be better。〃

There were a few words of further explanation of the papers; and
Pendleton placed the packet in his visitor's hands。  Paul rose。
Somehow; it appeared to him that the room looked more faded and
forgotten than when he entered it; and the figure of the man before
him more lonely; helpless; and abandoned。  With one of his
sympathetic impulses he said:

〃I don't like to leave you here alone。  Are you sure you can help
yourself without George?  Can I do anything before I go?〃

〃I am quite accustomed to it;〃 said Pendleton; quietly。  〃It
happens once or twice a year; and when I go outwellI miss more
than I do here。〃

He took Paul's proffered hand mechanically; with a slight return of
the critical; doubting look he had cast upon him when he entered。
his voice; too; had quite recovered its old dominance; as he said;
with half…patronizing conventionality; 〃You'll have to find your
way out alone。  Le
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