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literary boston as i knew it-第1章

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Literary Boston As I Knew It

by William Dean Howells

Among my fellow…passengers on the train from New York to Boston; when I
went to begin my work there in 1866; as the assistant editor of the
Atlantic Monthly; was the late Samuel Bowles; of the Springfield
Republican; who created in a subordinate city a journal of metropolitan
importance。  I had met him in Venice several years earlier; when he was
suffering from the cruel insomnia which had followed his overwork on that
newspaper; and when he told me that he was sleeping scarcely more than
one hour out of the twenty…four。  His worn face attested the misery which
this must have been; and which lasted in some measure while he lived;
though I believe that rest and travel relieved him in his later years。
He was always a man of cordial friendliness; and he now expressed a most
gratifying interest when I told him what I was going to do in Boston。
He gave himself the pleasure of descanting upon the dramatic quality of
the fact that a young newspaper man from Ohio was about to share in the
destinies of the great literary periodical of New England。


I do not think that such a fact would now move the fancy of the liveliest
newspaper man; so much has the West since returned upon the East in a
refluent wave of authorship。  But then the West was almost an unknown
quality in our literary problem; and in fact there was scarcely any
literature outside of New England。  Even this was of New England origin;
for it was almost wholly the work of New England men and women in the
〃splendid exile〃 of New York。  The Atlantic Monthly; which was
distinctively literary; was distinctively a New England magazine; though
from the first it had been characterized by what was more national; what
was more universal; in the New England temperament。  Its chief
contributors for nearly twenty years were Longfellow; Lowell; Holmes;
Whittier; Emerson; Doctor Hale; Colonel Higginson; Mrs。 Stowe; Whipple;
Rose Terry Cooke; Mrs。 Julia Ward Howe; Mrs。 Prescott Spofford; Mrs。
Phelps Ward; and other New England writers who still lived in New
England; and largely in the region of Boston。  Occasionally there came a
poem from Bryant; at New York; from Mr。 Stedman; from Mr。 Stoddard and
Mrs。 Stoddard; from Mr。 Aldrich; and from Bayard Taylor。  But all these;
except the last; were not only of New England race; but of New England
birth。  I think there was no contributor from the South but Mr。 M。 D。
Conway; and as yet the West scarcely counted; though four young poets
from Ohio; who were not immediately or remotely of Puritan origin; had
appeared in early numbers; Alice Cary; living with her sister in New
York; had written now and then from the beginning。  Mr。 John Hay solely
represented Illinois by a single paper; and he was of Rhode Island stock。
It was after my settlement at Boston that Mark Twain; of Missouri; became
a figure of world…wide fame at Hartford; and longer after; that Mr。 Bret
Harte made that progress Eastward from California which was telegraphed
almost from hour to hour; as if it were the progress of a prince。
Miss Constance F。  Woolson had not yet begun to write。  Mr。 James
Whitcomb Riley; Mr。 Maurice Thompson; Miss Edith Thomas; Octave Thanet;
Mr。 Charles Warren Stoddard; Mr。 H。 B。 Fuller; Mrs。 Catherwood;
Mr。 Hamlin Garland; all whom I name at random among other Western
writers; were then as unknown as Mr。 Cable; Miss Murfree; Mrs。 Rives
Chanler; Miss Grace King; Mr。 Joel Chandler Harris; Mr。 Thomas Nelson
Page; in the South; which they by no means fully represent。

The editors of the Atlantic had been eager from the beginning to discover
any outlying literature; but; as I have said; there was in those days
very little good writing done beyond the borders of New England。  If the
case is now different; and the best known among living American writers
are no longer New…Englanders; still I do not think the South and West
have yet trimmed the balance; and though perhaps the news writers now
more commonly appear in those quarters; I should not be so very sure that
they are not still characterized by New England ideals and examples。
On the other hand; I am very sure that in my early day we were
characterized by them; and wished to be so; we even felt that we failed
in so far as we expressed something native quite in our own way。
The literary theories we accepted were New England theories;
the criticism we valued was New England criticism; or; more strictly
speaking; Boston theories; Boston criticism。

Of those more constant contributors to the Atlantic whom I have
mentioned; it is of course known that Longfellow and Lowell lived in
Cambridge; Emerson at Concord; and Whittier at Amesbury。  Colonel
Higginson was still and for many years afterwards at Newport; Mrs。 Stowe
was then at Andover; Miss Prescott of Newburyport had become Mrs。
Spofford; and was presently in Boston; where her husband was a member of
the General Court; Mrs。 Phelps Ward; as Miss Elizabeth Stuart Phelps;
dwelt in her father's house at Andover。  The chief of the Bostonians were
Mrs。 Julia Ward Howe; Doctor Holmes; and Doctor Hale。  Yet Boston stood
for the whole Massachusetts group; and Massachusetts; in the literary
impulse; meant New England。  I suppose we must all allow; whether we like
to do so or not; that the impulse seems now to have pretty well spent
itself。  Certainly the city of Boston has distinctly waned in literature;
though it has waxed in wealth and population。  I do not think there are
in Boston to…day even so many talents with a literary coloring in law;
science; theology; and journalism as there were formerly; though I have
no belief that the Boston talents are fewer or feebler than before。
I arrived in Boston; however; when all talents had more or less a
literary coloring; and when the greatest talents were literary。  These
expressed with ripened fulness a civilization conceived in faith and
brought forth in good works; but that moment of maturity was the
beginning of a decadence which could only show itself much later。  New
England has ceased to be a nation in itself; and it will perhaps never
again have anything like a national literature; but that was something
like a national literature; and it will probably be centuries yet before
the life of the whole country; the American life as distinguished from
the New England life; shall have anything so like a national literature。
It will be long before our larger life interprets itself in such
imagination as Hawthorne's; such wisdom as Emerson's; such poetry as
Longfellow's; such prophecy as Whittier's; such wit and grace as
Holmes's; such humor and humanity as Lowell's。

The literature of those great men was; if I may suffer myself the figure;
the Socinian graft of a Calvinist stock。  Their faith; in its varied
shades; was Unitarian; but their art was Puritan。  So far as it was
imperfectand great and beautiful as it was; I think it had its
imperfectionsit was marred by the intense ethicism that pervaded the
New England mind for two hundred years; and that still characterizes it。
They or their fathers had broken away from orthodoxy in the great schism
at the beginning of the century; but; as if their heterodoxy were
conscience…stricken; they still helplessly pointed the moral in all they
did; some pointed it more directly; some less directly; but they all
pointed it。  I should be far from blaming them for their ethical
intention; though I think they felt their vocation as prophets too much
for their good as poets。  Sometimes they sacrificed the song to the
sermon; though not always; nor nearly always。  It was in poetry and in
romance that they excelled; in the novel; so far as they attempted it;
they failed。  I say this with the names of all the Bostonian group; and
those they influenced; in mind; and with a full sense of their greatness。
It may be ungracious to say that they have left no heirs to their
peculiar greatness; but it would be foolish to say that they left an
estate where they had none to bequeath。  One cannot take account of such
a fantasy as Judd's Margaret。  The only New…Englander who has attempted
the novel on a scale
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