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literary boston as i knew it-第8章

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approaches of the malady which was so soon to end all groping in these
shadows for him。  He must have faced the fact with the same courage and
the same trust with which he faced all facts。  From the first I found him
a deeply religious man; not only in the ecclesiastical sense; but in the
more mystical meanings of the word; and he kept his faith as he kept his
youth to the last。  Every one who knew him; knows how young he was in
heart; and how he liked to have those that were young in years about him。
He wished to have his house in Boston; as well as his cottage at York;
full of young men and young girls; whose joy of life he made his own; and
whose society he preferred to his contemporaries'。  One could not blame
him for that; or for seeking the sun; wherever he could; but it would be
a false notion of him to suppose that his sympathies were solely or
chiefly with the happy。  In every sort; as I knew him; he was fine and
good。  The word is not worthy of him; after some of its uses and
associations; but if it were unsmutched by these; and whitened to its
primitive significance; I should say he was one of the most perfect
gentlemen I ever knew。

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