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part 4-第13章

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could give only what he had。  Things were never complete

in this world; you had to snatch at them as they came or go

without。  Nobody could look into her face and draw back;

nobody who had any courage。  She had courage enough for

anythinglook at her mouth and chin and eyes!  Where

did it come from; that light?  How could a face; a familiar

face; become so the picture of hope; be painted with the

very colors of youth's exaltation?  She was right; she was

not one of those who draw back。  Some people get on by

avoiding dangers; others by riding through them。

     They stood by the railing looking back at the sand levels;

both feeling that the train was steaming ahead very fast。

Fred's mind was a confusion of images and ideas。  Only

two things were clear to him: the force of her determination;

and the belief that; handicapped as he was; he could do

better by her than another man would do。  He knew he

would always remember her; standing there with that ex…

pectant; forward…looking smile; enough to turn the future

into summer。

End of Part IV

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