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the ball at sceaux-第3章

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which made her singing irresistibly charming。 Clever; and intimate

with every branch of literature; she might have made folks believe

that; as Mascarille says; people of quality come into the world

knowing everything。 She could argue fluently on Italian or Flemish

painting; on the Middle Ages or the Renaissance; pronounced at

haphazard on books new or old; and could expose the defects of a work

with a cruelly graceful wit。 The simplest thing she said was accepted

by an admiring crowd as a fetfah of the Sultan by the Turks。 She thus

dazzled shallow persons; as to deeper minds; her natural tact enabled

her to discern them; and for them she put forth so much fascination

that; under cover of her charms; she escaped their scrutiny。 This

enchanting veneer covered a careless heart; the opinioncommon to

many young girlsthat no one else dwelt in a sphere so lofty as to be

able to understand the merits of her soul; and a pride based no less

on her birth than on her beauty。 In the absence of the overwhelming

sentiment which; sooner or later; works havoc in a woman's heart; she

spent her young ardor in an immoderate love of distinctions; and

expressed the deepest contempt for persons of inferior birth。

Supremely impertinent to all newly…created nobility; she made every

effort to get her parents recognized as equals by the most illustrious

families of the Saint…Germain quarter。

These sentiments had not escaped the observing eye of Monsieur de

Fontaine; who more than once; when his two elder girls were married;

had smarted under Emilie's sarcasm。 Logical readers will be surprised

to see the old Royalist bestowing his eldest daughter on a Receiver…

General; possessed; indeed; of some old hereditary estates; but whose

name was not preceded by the little word to which the throne owed so

many partisans; and his second to a magistrate too lately Baronified

to obscure the fact that his father had sold firewood。 This noteworthy

change in the ideas of a noble on the verge of his sixtieth yearan

age when men rarely renounce their convictionswas due not merely to

his unfortunate residence in the modern Babylon; where; sooner or

later; country folks all get their corners rubbed down; the Comte de

Fontaine's new political conscience was also a result of the King's

advice and friendship。 The philosophical prince had taken pleasure in

converting the Vendeen to the ideas required by the advance of the

nineteenth century; and the new aspect of the Monarchy。 Louis XVIII。

aimed at fusing parties as Napoleon had fused things and men。 The

legitimate King; who was not less clever perhaps than his rival; acted

in a contrary direction。 The last head of the House of Bourbon was

just as eager to satisfy the third estate and the creations of the

Empire; by curbing the clergy; as the first of the Napoleons had been

to attract the grand old nobility; or to endow the Church。 The Privy

Councillor; being in the secret of these royal projects; had

insensibly become one of the most prudent and influential leaders of

that moderate party which most desired a fusion of opinion in the

interests of the nation。 He preached the expensive doctrines of

constitutional government; and lent all his weight to encourage the

political see…saw which enabled his master to rule France in the midst

of storms。 Perhaps Monsieur de Fontaine hoped that one of the sudden

gusts of legislation; whose unexpected efforts then startled the

oldest politicians; might carry him up to the rank of peer。 One of his

most rigid principles was to recognize no nobility in France but that

of the peeragethe only families that might enjoy any privileges。

〃A nobility bereft of privileges;〃 he would say; 〃is a tool without a


As far from Lafayette's party as he was from La Bourdonnaye's; he

ardently engaged in the task of general reconciliation; which was

to result in a new era and splendid fortunes for France。 He

strove to convince the families who frequented his drawing…room;

or those whom he visited; how few favorable openings would

henceforth be offered by a civil or military career。 He urged

mothers to give their boys a start in independent and industrial

professions; explaining that military posts and high Government

appointments must at last pertain; in a quite constitutional

order; to the younger sons of members of the peerage。 According

to him; the people had conquered a sufficiently large share in

practical government by its elective assembly; its appointments

to law…offices; and those of the exchequer; which; said he; would

always; as heretofore; be the natural right of the distinguished

men of the third estate。

These new notions of the head of the Fontaines; and the prudent

matches for his eldest girls to which they had led; met with strong

resistance in the bosom of his family。 The Comtesse de Fontaine

remained faithful to the ancient beliefs which no woman could disown;

who; through her mother; belonged to the Rohans。 Although she had for

a while opposed the happiness and fortune awaiting her two eldest

girls; she yielded to those private considerations which husband and

wife confide to each other when their heads are resting on the same

pillow。 Monsieur de Fontaine calmly pointed out to his wife; by exact

arithmetic that their residence in Paris; the necessity for

entertaining; the magnificence of the house which made up to them now

for the privations so bravely shared in La Vendee; and the expenses of

their sons; swallowed up the chief part of their income from salaries。

They must therefore seize; as a boon from heaven; the opportunities

which offered for settling their girls with such wealth。 Would they

not some day enjoy sixtyeightya hundred thousand francs a year?

Such advantageous matches were not to be met with every day for girls

without a portion。 Again; it was time that they should begin to think

of economizing; to add to the estate of Fontaine; and re…establish the

old territorial fortune of the family。 The Countess yielded to such

cogent arguments; as every mother would have done in her place; though

perhaps with a better grace; but she declared that Emilie; at any

rate; should marry in such a way as to satisfy the pride she had

unfortunately contributed to foster in the girl's young soul。

Thus events; which ought to have brought joy into the family; had

introduced a small leaven of discord。 The Receiver…General and the

young lawyer were the objects of a ceremonious formality which the

Countess and Emilie contrived to create。 This etiquette soon found

even ampler opportunity for the display of domestic tyranny; for

Lieutenant…General de Fontaine married Mademoiselle Mongenod; the

daughter of a rich banker; the President very sensibly found a wife in

a young lady whose father; twice or thrice a millionaire; had traded

in salt; and the third brother; faithful to his plebeian doctrines;

married Mademoiselle Grossetete; the only daughter of the Receiver…

General at Bourges。 The three sisters…in…law and the two brothers…in…

law found the high sphere of political bigwigs; and the drawing…rooms

of the Faubourg Saint…Germain; so full of charm and of personal

advantages; that they united in forming a little court round the

overbearing Emilie。 This treaty between interest and pride was not;

however; so firmly cemented but that the young despot was; not

unfrequently; the cause of revolts in her little realm。 Scenes; which

the highest circles would not have disowned; kept up a sarcastic

temper among all the members of this powerful family; and this;

without seriously diminishing the regard they professed in public;

degenerated sometimes in private into sentiments far from charitable。

Thus the Lieutenant…General's wife; having become a Baronne; thought

herself quite as noble as a Kergarouet; and imagined that her good

hundred thousand francs a year gave her the right to be as impertinent

as her sister…in…law Emilie; whom she would 
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