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; friends; is my praise of Socrates。 I have added my blame of him for his ill…treatment of me; and he has ill…treated not only me; but Charmides the son of Glaucon; and Euthydemus the son of Diocles; and many others in the same way…beginning as their lover he has ended by making them pay their addresses to him。 Wherefore I say to you; Agathon; 〃Be no deceived by him; learn from me: and take warning; and do not be a fool and learn by experience; as the proverb says。〃   When Alcibiades had finished; there was a laugh at his outspokenness; for he seemed to be still in love with Socrates。 You are sober; Alcibiades; said Socrates; or you would never have gone so far about to hide the purpose of your satyr's praises; for all this long story is only an ingenious circumlocution; of which the point comes in by the way at the end; you want to get up a quarrel between me and Agathon; and your notion…is that I ought to love you and nobody else; and that you and you only ought to love Agathon。 But the plot of this Satyric or Silenic drama has been detected; and you must not allow him; Agathon; to set us at variance。   I believe you are right; said Agathon; and I am disposed to think that his intention in placing himself between you and me was only to divide us; but he shall gain nothing by that move; for I will go and lie on the couch next to you。   Yes; yes; replied Socrates; by all means come here and lie on the couch below me。   Alas; said Alcibiades; how I am fooled by this man; he is determined to get the better of me at every turn。 I do beseech you; allow Agathon to lie between us。   Certainly not; said Socrates; as you praised me; and I in turn ought to praise my neighbour on the right; he will be out of order in praising me again when he ought rather to be praised by me; and I must entreat you to consent to this; and not be jealous; for I have a great desire to praise the youth。   Hurrah! cried Agathon; I will rise instantly; that I may be praised by Socrates。   The usual way; said Alcibiades; where Socrates is; no one else has any chance with the fair; and now how readily has he invented a specious reason for attracting Agathon to himself。   Agathon arose in order that he might take his place on the couch by Socrates; when suddenly a band of revellers entered; and spoiled the order of the banquet。 Some one who was going out having left the door open; they had found their way in; and made themselves at home; great confusion ensued; and every one was compelled to drink large quantities of wine。 Aristodemus said that Eryximachus; Phaedrus; and others went away…he himself fell asleep; and as the nights were long took a good rest: he was awakened towards daybreak by a crowing of cocks; and when he awoke; the others were either asleep; or had gone away; there remained only Socrates; Aristophanes; and Agathon; who were drinking out of a large goblet which they passed round; and Socrates was discoursing to them。 Aristodemus was only half awake; and he did not hear the beginning of the discourse; the chief thing which he remembered was Socrates compelling the other two to acknowledge that the genius of comedy was the same with that of tragedy; and that the true artist in tragedy was an artist in comedy also。 To this they were constrained to assent; being drowsy; and not quite following the argument。 And first of all Aristophanes dropped off; then; when the day was already dawning; Agathon。 Socrates; having laid them to sleep; rose to depart; Aristodemus; as his manner was; following him。 At the Lyceum he took a bath; and passed the day as usual。 In the evening he retired to rest at his own home。

                              …THE END… 。 
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