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the musgrave ritual-第2章

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expressed a keen interest in my methods of observation and inference。

  〃For four years I had seen nothing of him until one morning he

walked into my room in Montague Street。 He had changed little; was

dressed like a young man of fashion…he was always a bit of a dandy…and

preserved the same quiet; suave manner which had formerly

distinguished him。

  〃'How has all gone with you; Musgrave?' I asked after we had

cordially shaken hands。

  〃'You probably heard of my poor father's death;' said he; 'he was

carried off about two years ago。 Since then I have of course had the

Hurlstone estate to manage; and as I am member for my district as

well; my life has been a busy one。 But I understand; Holmes; that

you are turning to practical ends those powers with which you used

to amaze us?'

  〃'Yes;' said I; 'I have taken to living by my wits。'

  〃'I am delighted to hear it; for your advice at present would be

exceedingly valuable to me。 We have had some very strange doings at

Hurlstone; and the police have been able to throw no light upon the

matter。 It is really the most extraordinary and inexplicable


  〃You can imagine with what eagerness I listened to him; Watson;

for the very chance for which I had been panting during all those

months of inaction seemed to have come within my reach。 In my inmost

heart I believed that I could succeed where others failed; and now I

had the opportunity to test myself。

  〃'Pray let me have the details;' I cried。

  〃Reginald Musgrave sat down opposite to me and lit the cigarette

which I bad pushed towards him。

  〃'You must know;' said he; 'that though I am a bachelor; I have to

keep up a considerable staff of servants at Hurlstone; for it is a

rambling old place and takes a good deal of looking after。 I preserve;

too; and in the pheasant months I usually have a house…party; so

that it would not do to be short…handed。 Altogether there are eight

maids; the cook; the butler; two footmen; and a boy。 The garden and

the stables of course have a separate staff。

  〃'Of these servants the one who had been longest in our service

was Brunton; the butler。 He was a young schoolmaster out of place when

he was first taken up by my father; but he was a man of great energy

and character; and he soon became quite invaluable in the household。

He was a well…grown; handsome man; with a splendid forehead; and

though he has been with us for twenty years he cannot be more than

forty now。 With his personal advantages and his extraordinary

gifts…for he can speak several languages and play nearly every musical

instrument…it is wonderful that he should have been satisfied so

long in such a position; but I suppose that he was comfortable and

lacked energy to make any change。 The butler of Hurlstone is always

a thing that is remembered by all who visit us。

  〃'But this paragon has one fault。 He is a bit of a Don Juan; and you

can imagine that for a man like him it is not a very difficult part to

play in a quiet country district。 When he was married it was all

right; but since he has been a widower we have had no end of trouble

with him。 A few months ago we were in hopes that he was about to

settle down again; for he became engaged to Rachel Howells; our second

housemaid; but he has thrown her over since then and taken up with

Janet Tregellis; the daughter of the head game…keeper。 Rachel…who is a

very good girl; but of an excitable Welsh temperament…had a sharp

touch of brain…fever and goes about the house now…or did until

yesterday…like a black…eyed shadow of her former self。 That was our

first drama at Hurlstone; but a second one came to drive it from our

minds; and it was prefaced by the disgrace and dismissal of butler


  〃'This was how it came about。 I have said that the man was

intelligent; and this very intelligence has caused his ruin; for it

seems to have led to an insatiable curiosity about things which did

not in the least concern him。 I had no idea of the lengths to which

this would carry him until the merest accident opened my eyes to it。

  〃'I have said that the house is a rambling one。 One day last week…on

Thursday night; to be more exact…I found that I could not sleep;

having foolishly taken a cup of strong cafe noir after my dinner。

After struggling against it until two in the morning; I felt that it

was quite hopeless; so I rose and lit the candle with the intention of

continuing a novel which I was reading。 The book; however; had been

left in the billiard…room; so I pulled on my dressing…gown and started

off to get it。

  〃'In order to reach the billiard…room I had to descend a flight of

stairs and then to cross the head of a passage which led to the

library and the gun…room。 You can imagine my surprise when; as I

looked down this corridor; I saw a glimmer of light coming from the

open door of the library。 I had myself extinguished the lamp and

closed the door before coming to bed。 Naturally my first thought was

of burglars。 The corridors at Hurlstone have their walls largely

decorated with trophies of old weapons。 From one of these I picked a

battle…axe; and then; leaving my candle behind me; I crept on tiptoe

down the passage and peeped in at the open door。

  〃'Brunton; the butler; was in the library。 He was sitting; fully

dressed; in an easy…chair; with a slip of paper which looked like a

map upon his knee; and his forehead sunk forward upon his hand in deep

thought。 I stood dumb with astonishment; watching him from the

darkness。 A small taper on the edge of the table shed a feeble light

which sufficed to show me that he was fully dressed。 Suddenly; as I

looked; he rose from his chair; and; walking over to a bureau at the

side; he unlocked it and drew out one of the drawers。 From this he

took a paper; and; returning to his seat; he flattened it out beside

the taper on the edge of the table and began to study it with minute

attention。 My indignation at this calm examination of our family

documents overcame me so far that I took a step forward; and

Brunton; looking up; saw me standing in the doorway。 He sprang to

his feet; his face turned livid with fear; and he thrust into his

breast the chart…like paper which he had been originally studying。

  〃'〃So!〃 said I。 〃'〃This is how you repay the trust which we have

reposed in you。 You will leave my service to…morrow。〃

  〃'He bowed with the look of a man who is utterly crushed and slunk

past me without a word。 The taper was still on the table; and by its

light I glanced to see what the paper was which Brunton had taken from

the bureau。 To my surprise it was nothing of any importance at all;

but simply a copy of the questions and answers in the singular old

observance called the Musgrave Ritual。 It is a sort of ceremony

peculiar to our family; which each Musgrave for centuries past has

gone through on his coming of age…a thing of private interest; and

perhaps of some little importance to the archaeologist; like our own

blazonings and charges; but of no practical use whatever。'

  〃'We had better come back to the paper afterwards;' said I。

  〃'If you think it really necessary;' he answered with some

hesitation。 'To continue my statement; however: I relocked the bureau;

using the key which Brunton had left; and I had turned to go when I

was surprised to find that the butler had returned; and was standing

before me。

  〃'〃Mr。 Musgrave; sir;〃 he cried in a voice which was hoarse with

emotion; 〃I can't bear disgrace; sir。 I've always been proud above

my station in life; and disgrace would kill me。 My blood will be on

your head; sir…it will; indeed…if you drive me to despair。 If you

cannot keep me after what has passed; then for God's sake let me

give you notice and leave in a month; as if of my own free will。 I

could stand that; Mr。 Musgrave; but not to be cast out before all

the folk that I know so well。〃

  〃'〃You don't deserve much consideration; Brunton;〃 I answered。 〃Your

conduct has been most infamous。 However; as you have been a long

time in the family; I have no wish to bring public disgrace upon

you。 A month; howev
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