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what the moon saw-第6章

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the dress; and her fingers apart; and oh; what happiness beamed from

her eyes; and from her whole countenance! 'To…morrow you shall go

out in your new clothes;' said her mother; and the little one looked

up at her hat; and down at her frock; and smiled brightly。 'Mother;'

she cried; 'what will the little dogs think; when they see me in these

splendid new things?'〃

                         SEVENTEENTH EVENING

    〃I have spoken to you of Pompeii;〃 said the Moon; 〃that corpse

of a city; exposed in the view of living towns: I know another sight

still more strange; and this is not the corpse; but the spectre of a

city。 Whenever the jetty fountains splash into the marble basins; they

seem to me to be telling the story of the floating city。 Yes; the

spouting water may tell of her; the waves of the sea may sing of her

fame! On the surface of the ocean a mist often rests; and that is

her widow's veil。 The bridegroom of the sea is dead; his palace and

his city are his mausoleum! Dost thou know this city? She has never

heard the rolling of wheels or the hoof…tread of horses in her

streets; through which the fish swim; while the black gondola glides

spectrally over the green water。 I will show you the place;〃 continued

the Moon; 〃the largest square in it; and you will fancy yourself

transported into the city of a fairy tale。 The grass grows rank

among the broad flagstones; and in the morning twilight thousands of

tame pigeons flutter around the solitary lofty tower。 On three sides

you find yourself surrounded by cloistered walks。 In these the

silent Turk sits smoking his long pipe; the handsome Greek leans

against the pillar and gazes at the upraised trophies and lofty masts;

memorials of power that is gone。 The flags hang down like mourning

scarves。 A girl rests there: she has put down her heavy pails filled

with water; the yoke with which she has carried them rests on one of

her shoulders; and she leans against the mast of victory。 That is

not a fairy palace you see before you yonder; but a church: the gilded

domes and shining orbs flash back my beams; the glorious bronze horses

up yonder have made journeys; like the bronze horse in the fairy tale:

they have come hither; and gone hence; and have returned again。 Do you

notice the variegated splendour of the walls and windows? It looks

as if Genius had followed the caprices of a child; in the adornment of

these singular temples。 Do you see the winged lion on the pillar?

The gold glitters still; but his wings are tied… the lion is dead; for

the king of the sea is dead; the great halls stand desolate; and where

gorgeous paintings hung of yore; the naked wall now peers through。 The

lazzarone sleeps under the arcade; whose pavement in old times was

to be trodden only by the feet of high nobility。 From the deep

wells; and perhaps from the prisons by the Bridge of Sighs; rise the

accents of woe; as at the time when the tambourine was heard in the

gay gondolas; and the golden ring was cast from the Bucentaur to

Adria; the queen of the seas。 Adria! shroud thyself in mists; let

the veil of thy widowhood shroud thy form; and clothe in the weeds

of woe the mausoleum of thy bridegroom… the marble; spectral Venice。〃

                         EIGHTEENTH EVENING

    〃I looked down upon a great theatre;〃 said the Moon。 〃The house

was crowded; for a new actor was to make his first appearance that

night。 My rays glided over a little window in the wall; and I saw a

painted face with the forehead pressed against the panes。 It was the

hero of the evening。 The knighly beard curled crisply about the

chin; but there were tears in the man's eyes; for he had been hissed

off; and indeed with reason。 The poor Incapable! But Incapables cannot

be admitted into the empire of Art。 He had deep feeling; and loved his

art enthusiastically; but the art loved not him。 The prompter's bell

sounded; 'the hero enters with a determined air;' so ran the stage

direction in his part; and he had to appear before an audience who

turned him into ridicule。 When the piece was over; I saw a form

wrapped in a mantle; creeping down the steps: it was the vanquished

knight of the evening。 The scene…shifters whispered to one another;

and I followed the poor fellow home to his room。 To hang one's self is

to die a mean death; and poison is not always at hand; I know; but

he thought of both。 I saw how he looked at his pale face in the glass;

with eyes half closed; to see if he should look well as a corpse。 A

man may be very unhappy; and yet exceedingly affected。 He thought of

death; of suicide; I believe he pitied himself; for he wept

bitterly; and when a man has had his cry out he doesn't kill himself。

    〃Since that time a year had rolled by。 Again a play was to be

acted; but in a little theatre; and by a poor strolling company。 Again

I saw the well…remembered face; with the painted cheeks and the

crisp beard。 He looked up at me and smiled; and yet he had been hissed

off only a minute before… hissed off from a wretched theatre; by a

miserable audience。 And tonight a shabby hearse rolled out of the

town…gate。 It was a suicide… our painted; despised hero。 The driver of

the hearse was the only person present; for no one followed except

my beams。 In a corner of the churchyard the corpse of the suicide

was shovelled into the earth; and nettles will soon be growing

rankly over his grave; and the sexton will throw thorns and weeds from

the other graves upon it。〃

                         NINETEENTH EVENING

    〃I come from Rome;〃 said the Moon。 〃In the midst of the city; upon

one of the seven hills; lie the ruins of the imperial palace。 The wild

fig tree grows in the clefts of the wall; and covers the nakedness

thereof with its broad grey…green leaves; trampling among heaps of

rubbish; the ass treads upon green laurels; and rejoices over the rank

thistles。 From this spot; whence the eagles of Rome once flew

abroad; whence they 'came; saw; and conquered;' our door leads into

a little mean house; built of clay between two pillars; the wild

vine hangs like a mourning garland over the crooked window。 An old

woman and her little granddaughter live there: they rule now in the

palace of the Caesars; and show to strangers the remains of its past

glories。 Of the splendid throne…hall only a naked wall yet stands; and

a black cypress throws its dark shadow on the spot where the throne

once stood。 The dust lies several feet deep on the broken pavement;

and the little maiden; now the daughter of the imperial palace;

often sits there on her stool when the evening bells ring。 The keyhole

of the door close by she calls her turret window; through this she can

see half Rome; as far as the mighty cupola of St。 Peter's。

    〃On this evening; as usual; stillness reigned around; and in the

full beam of my light came the little granddaughter。 On her head she

carried an earthen pitcher of antique shape filled with water。 Her

feet were bare; her short frock and her white sleeves were torn。 I

kissed her pretty round shoulders; her dark eyes; and black shining

hair。 She mounted the stairs; they were steep; having been made up

of rough blocks of broken marble and the capital of a fallen pillar。

The coloured lizards slipped away; startled; from before her feet; but

she was not frightened at them。 Already she lifted her hand to pull

the door…bell… a hare's foot fastened to a string formed the

bell…handle of the imperial palace。 She paused for a moment… of what

might she be thinking? Perhaps of the beautiful Christ…child;

dressed in gold and silver; which was down below in the chapel;

where the silver candlesticks gleamed so bright; and where her

little friends sung the hymns in which she also could join? I know

not。 Presently she moved again… she stumbled: the earthen vessel

fell from her head; and broke on the marble steps。 She burst into

tears。 The beautiful daughter of the imperial palace wept over the

worthless broken pitcher; with her bare feet she stood there

weeping; and dared not pull the string; the bell…rope of the

imperial palace!〃
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