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what the moon saw-第7章

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weeping; and dared not pull the string; the bell…rope of the

imperial palace!〃

                         TWENTIETH EVENING

    It was more than a fortnight since the Moon had shone。 Now he

stood once more; round and bright; above the clouds; moving slowly

onward。 Hear what the Moon told me。

    〃From a town in Fezzan I followed a caravan。 On the margin of

the sandy desert; in a salt plain; that shone like a frozen lake;

and was only covered in spots with light drifting sand; a halt was

made。 The eldest of the company… the water gourd hung at his girdle;

and on his head was a little bag of unleavened bread… drew a square in

the sand with his staff; and wrote in it a few words out of the Koran;

and then the whole caravan passed over the consecrated spot。 A young

merchant; a child of the East; as I could tell by his eye and his

figure; rode pensively forward on his white snorting steed。 Was he

thinking; perchance; of his fair young wife? It was only two days

ago that the camel; adorned with furs and with costly shawls; had

carried her; the beauteous bride; round the walls of the city; while

drums and cymbals had sounded; the women sang; and festive shots; of

which the bridegroom fired the greatest number; resounded round the

camel; and now he was journeying with the caravan across the desert。

    〃For many nights I followed the train。 I saw them rest by the

wellside among the stunted palms; they thrust the knife into the

breast of the camel that had fallen; and roasted its flesh by the

fire。 My beams cooled the glowing sands; and showed them the black

rocks; dead islands in the immense ocean of sand。 No hostile tribes

met them in their pathless route; no storms arose; no columns of

sand whirled destruction over the journeying caravan。 At home the

beautiful wife prayed for her husband and her father。 'Are they dead?'

she asked of my golden crescent; 'Are they dead?' she cried to my full

disc。 Now the desert lies behind them。 This evening they sit beneath

the lofty palm trees; where the crane flutters round them with its

long wings; and the pelican watches them from the branches of the

mimosa。 The luxuriant herbage is trampled down; crushed by the feet of

elephants。 A troop of negroes are returning from a market in the

interior of the land: the women; with copper buttons in their black

hair; and decked out in clothes dyed with indigo; drive the

heavily…laden oxen; on whose backs slumber the naked black children。 A

negro leads a young lion which he has brought; by a string。 They

approach the caravan; the young merchant sits pensive and

motionless; thinking of his beautiful wife; dreaming; in the land of

the blacks; of his white lily beyond the desert。 He raises his head;

and… 〃 But at this moment a cloud passed before the Moon; and then

another。 I heard nothing more from him this evening。

                        TWENTY…FIRST EVENING

    〃I saw a little girl weeping;〃 said the Moon; 〃she was weeping

over the depravity of the world。 She had received a most beautiful

doll as a present。 Oh; that was a glorious doll; so fair and delicate!

She did not seem created for the sorrows of this world。 But the

brothers of the little girl; those great naughty boys; had set the

doll high up in the branches of a tree and had run away。

    〃The little girl could not reach up to the doll; and could not

help her down; and that is why she was crying。 The doll must certainly

have been crying too; for she stretched out her arms among the green

branches; and looked quite mournful。 Yes; these are the troubles of

life of which the little girl had often heard tell。 Alas; poor doll!

it began to grow dark already; and suppose night were to come on

completely! Was she to be left sitting on the bough all night long?

No; the little maid could not make up her mind to that。 'I'll stay

with you;' she said; although she felt anything but happy in her mind。

She could almost fancy she distinctly saw little gnomes; with their

high…crowned hats; sitting in the bushes; and further back in the long

walk; tall spectres appeared to be dancing。 They came nearer and

nearer; and stretched out their hands towards the tree on which the

doll sat; they laughed scornfully; and pointed at her with their

fingers。 Oh; how frightened the little maid was! 'But if one has not

done anything wrong;' she thought; 'nothing evil can harm one。 I

wonder if I have done anything wrong?' And she considered。 'Oh; yes! I

laughed at the poor duck with the red rag on her leg; she limped along

so funnily; I could not help laughing; but it's a sin to laugh at

animals。' And she looked up at the doll。 'Did you laugh at the duck

too?' she asked; and it seemed as if the doll shook her head。〃

                         TWENTY…SECOND EVENING

    〃I looked down upon Tyrol;〃 said the Moon; 〃and my beams caused

the dark pines to throw long shadows upon the rocks。 I looked at the

pictures of St。 Christopher carrying the Infant Jesus that are painted

there upon the walls of the houses; colossal figures reaching from the

ground to the roof。 St。 Florian was represented pouring water on the

burning house; and the Lord hung bleeding on the great cross by the

wayside。 To the present generation these are old pictures; but I saw

when they were put up; and marked how one followed the other。 On the

brow of the mountain yonder is perched; like a swallow's nest; a

lonely convent of nuns。 Two of the sisters stood up in the tower

tolling the bell; they were both young; and therefore their glances

flew over the mountain out into the world。 A travelling coach passed

by below; the postillion wound his horn; and the poor nuns looked

after the carriage for a moment with a mournful glance; and a tear

gleamed in the eyes of the younger one。 And the horn sounded faint and

more faintly; and the convent bell drowned its expiring echoes。〃

                         TWENTY…THIRD EVENING

    Hear what the Moon told me。 〃Some years ago; here in Copenhagen; I

looked through the window of a mean little room。 The father and mother

slept; but the little son was not asleep。 I saw the flowered cotton

curtains of the bed move; and the child peep forth。 At first I thought

he was looking at the great clock; which was gaily painted in red

and green。 At the top sat a cuckoo; below hung the heavy leaden

weights; and the pendulum with the polished disc of metal went to

and fro; and said 'tick; tick。' But no; he was not looking at the

clock; but at his mother's spinning wheel; that stood just

underneath it。 That was the boy's favourite piece of furniture; but he

dared not touch it; for if he meddled with it he got a rap on the

knuckles。 For hours together; when his mother was spinning; he would

sit quietly by her side; watching the murmuring spindle and the

revolving wheel; and as he sat he thought of many things。 Oh; if he

might only turn the wheel himself! Father and mother were asleep; he

looked at them; and looked at the spinning wheel; and presently a

little naked foot peered out of the bed; and then a second foot; and

then two little white legs。 There he stood。 He looked round once more;

to see if father and mother were still asleep… yes; they slept; and

now he crept softly; softly; in his short little nightgown; to the

spinning wheel; and began to spin。 The thread flew from the wheel; and

the wheel whirled faster and faster。 I kissed his fair hair and his

blue eyes; it was such a pretty picture。

    〃At that moment the mother awoke。 The curtain shook; she looked

forth; and fancied she saw a gnome or some other kind of little

spectre。 'In Heaven's name!' she cried; and aroused her husband in a

frightened way。 He opened his eyes; rubbed them with his hands; and

looked at the brisk little lad。 'Why; that is Bertel;' said he。 And my

eye quitted the poor room; for I have so much to see。 At the same

moment I looked at the halls of the Vatican; where the marble gods are

enthroned。 I shone upon the group of the Laocoon; the stone seemed

to sigh。 I pressed a silent kiss on the lips of the Muses; and they

seemed to stir 
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