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the white mr. longfellow-第3章

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till the car starts; and then watch that he doesn't get off。〃

These instructions he accompanied with a lifting of the eyebrows; and a
pursing of the mouth; in an anxiety not altogether burlesque。  He knew
himself the prey of any one who chose to batten on him; and his
hospitality was subject to frightful abuse。  Perhaps Mr。 Norton has
somewhere told how; when he asked if a certain person who had been
outstaying his time was not a dreadful bore; Longfellow answered; with
angelic patience; 〃Yes; but then you know I have been bored so often!〃

There was one fatal Englishman whom I shared with him during the great
part of a season: a poor soul; not without gifts; but always ready for
more; especially if they took the form of meat and drink。  He had brought
letters from one of the best English men alive; who withdrew them too
late to save his American friends from the sad consequences of welcoming
him。  So he established himself impregnably in a Boston club; and came
out every day to dine with Longfellow in Cambridge; beginning with his
return from Nahant in October and continuing far into December。  That was
the year of the great horse…distemper; when the plague disabled the
transportation in Boston; and cut off all intercourse between the suburb
and the city on the street railways。  〃I did think;〃 Longfellow
pathetically lamented; 〃that when the horse…cars stopped running; I
should have a little respite from L。; but he walks out。〃

In the midst of his own suffering he was willing to advise with me
concerning some poems L。 had offered to the Atlantic Monthly; and after
we had desperately read them together he said; with inspiration; 〃I think
these things are more adapted to music than the magazine;〃 and this
seemed so good a notion that when L。 came to know their fate from me;
I answered; confidently; 〃I think they are rather more adapted to music。〃
He calmly asked; 〃Why?〃 and as this was an exigency which Longfellow had
not forecast for me; I was caught in it without hope of escape。  I really
do not know what I said; but I know that I did not take the poems; such
was my literary conscience in those days; I am afraid I should be weaker


The suppers of the Dante Club were a relaxation from the severity of
their toils on criticism; and I will not pretend that their table…talk
was of that seriousness which duller wits might have given themselves up
to。  The passing stranger; especially if a light or jovial person; was
always welcome; and I never knew of the enforcement of the rule I heard
of; that if you came in without question on the Club nights; you were a
guest; but if you rang or knocked; you could not get in。

Any sort of diversion was hailed; and once Appleton proposed that
Longfellow should show us his wine…cellar。  He took up the candle burning
on the table for the cigars; and led the way into the basement of the
beautiful old Colonial mansion; doubly memorable as Washington's
headquarters while he was in Cambridge; and as the home of Longfellow for
so many years。  The taper cast just the right gleams on the darkness;
bringing into relief the massive piers of brick; and the solid walls of
stone; which gave the cellar the effect of a casemate in some fortress;
and leaving the corners and distances to a romantic gloom。  This basement
was a work of the days when men built more heavily if not more
substantially than now; but I forget; if I ever knew; what date the wine…
cellar was of。  It was well stored with precious vintages; aptly
cobwebbed and dusty; but I could not find that it had any more charm than
the shelves of a library: it is the inside of bottles and of books that
makes its appeal。  The whole place witnessed a bygone state and luxury;
which otherwise lingered in a dim legend or two。  Longfellow once spoke
of certain old love…letters which dropped down on the basement stairs
from some place overhead; and there was the fable or the fact of a
subterranean passage under the street from Craigie House to the old
Batchelder House; which I relate to these letters with no authority I can
allege。  But in Craigie House dwelt the proud fair lady who was buried in
the Cambridge church…yard with a slave at her head and a slave at her

               〃Dust is in her beautiful eyes;〃

and whether it was they that smiled or wept in their time over those
love…letters; I will leave the reader to say。  The fortunes of her Tory
family fell with those of their party; and the last Vassal ended his days
a prisoner from his creditors in his own house; with a weekly enlargement
on Sundays; when the law could not reach him。  It is known how the place
took Longfellow's fancy when he first came to be professor in Harvard;
and how he was a lodger of the last Mistress Craigie there; long before
he became its owner。  The house is square; with Longfellow's study where
he read and wrote on the right of the door; and a statelier library
behind it; on the left is the drawing…room; with the dining…room in its
rear; from its square hall climbs a beautiful stairway with twisted
banisters; and a tall clock in their angle。

The study where the Dante Club met; and where I mostly saw Longfellow;
was a plain; pleasant room; with broad panelling in white painted pine;
in the centre before the fireplace stood his round table; laden with
books; papers; and proofs; in the farthest corner by the window was a
high desk which he sometimes stood at to write。  In this room Washington
held his councils and transacted his business with all comers; in the
chamber overhead he slept。  I do not think Longfellow associated the
place much with him; and I never heard him speak of Washington in
relation to it except once; when he told me with peculiar relish what he
called the true version of a pious story concerning the aide…de…camp who
blundered in upon him while he knelt in prayer。  The father of his
country rose and rebuked the young man severely; and then resumed his
devotions。  〃He rebuked him;〃 said Longfellow; lifting his brows and
making rings round the pupils of his eyes; 〃by throwing his scabbard at
his head。〃

All the front windows of Craigie House look; out over the open fields
across the Charles; which is now the Longfellow Memorial Garden。  The
poet used to be amused with the popular superstition that he was holding
this vacant ground with a view to a rise in the price of lots; while all
he wanted was to keep a feature of his beloved landscape unchanged。
Lofty elms drooped at the corners of the house; on the lawn billowed
clumps of the lilac; which formed a thick hedge along the fence。  There
was a terrace part way down this lawn; and when a white…painted
balustrade was set some fifteen years ago upon its brink; it seemed
always to have been there。  Long verandas stretched on either side of the
mansion; and behind was an old…fashioned garden with beds primly edged
with box after a design of the poet's own。  Longfellow had a ghost story
of this quaint plaisance; which he used to tell with an artful reserve of
the catastrophe。  He was coming home one winter night; and as he crossed
the garden he was startled by a white figure swaying before him。  But he
knew that the only way was to advance upon it。  He pushed boldly forward;
and was suddenly caught under the throat…by the clothes…line with a long
night…gown on it。

Perhaps it was at the end of a long night of the Dante Club that I heard
him tell this story。  The evenings were sometimes mornings before the
reluctant break…up came; but they were never half long enough for me。
I have given no idea of the high reasoning of vital things which I must
often have heard at that table; and that I have forgotten it is no proof
that I did not hear it。  The memory will not be ruled as to what it shall
bind and what it shall loose; and I should entreat mine in vain for
record of those meetings other than what I have given。  Perhaps it would
be well; in the interest of some popular conceptions of what the social
intercourse of great wits must be; for me to invent some ennobling and
elevating passages of conversation at Longfellow's; perhaps I ought to do
it for the sake of my own reput
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