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the diary of a goose girl(牧鹅女日记)-第17章

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Herdsimply to be near youfor I hate live poultry。              Dost like the picture? 

It's a little like Claude Melnotte's; I confess。           The fact is I am not quite 

sane; talking with you after a fortnight of the tabbies at the Hydro is like 

quaffing inebriating vodka after Miffin's Food!              May I come to…morrow?〃 

     Bailiffs    Daughter     (hedging)。〃I    shall   be   rather  busy;    the  Crossed 

Minorca hen comes off to…morrow。〃 

     True Love。〃Oh; never mind!            I'll take her off to…night when I escort 

you to the farm; then she'll get a day's advantage。〃 

     Bailiff's Daughter。〃And rob fourteen prospective chicks of a mother; 


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                                     The Diary of a Goose Girl 

nay; lose the chicks themselves?           Never!〃 

     True   Love。〃So   long   as   you   are   a   Goose   Girl;   does   it   make    any 

difference whose you are?           Is it any more agreeable to be Mrs。 Heaven's 

Goose Girl than mine?〃 

     Bailiff's Daughter。〃Ah! but in one case the term of service is limited; 

in the other; permanent。〃 

     True Love。〃But in the one case you are the slave of the employer; in 

the other the employer of the slave。           Why did you run away?〃 

     Bailiff's    Daughter。〃A      man's    mind    is  too   dull   an   instrument     to 

measure a woman's reason; even my own fails sometimes to deal with all 

its delicate shades; but I think I must have run away chiefly to taste the 

pleasure   of   being   pursued   and   brought   back。      If   it   is   necessary   to   your 

happiness that you should explore all the Bluebeard chambers of my being; 

I   will   confess    further   that   it  has   taken   you    nearly   three    weeks    to 

accomplish what I supposed you would do in three days!〃 

     True   Love   (after   a   well…spent   interval)。〃To…morrow;   then;   shall   we 

say    before   breakfast?     All;    do!   Why      not?   Well;     then;  immediately 

after breakfast; and I breakfast at seven nowadays; and sometimes earlier。 

Do take off those ugly cotton gloves; dear; they are five sizes too large for 

you; and so rough and baggy to the touch!〃 


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