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                   #0069          virtual ~CScribbleDoc(); 

                   #0070  #ifdef _DEBUG 

                   #0071          virtual void AssertValid() const; 

                   #0072          virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; 

                   #0073  #endif 


                   #0075  protected: 

                   #0076          void  InitDocument(); 


                   #0078  // Generated message map functions 

                   #0079  protected: 

                   #0080    //{{AFX_MSG(CScribbleDoc) 

                   #0081      // NOTE the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here。 

                   #0082      //    DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code ! 

                   #0083    //}}AFX_MSG 

                   #0084    DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() 

                   #0085  }; 

                   如果你把本书第一版(使用VC++ 4。0 )的Scribble step1 原封不动地在VC++ 4。2 或 


…………………………………………………………Page 539……………………………………………………………

VC++ 5。0  中编译,你会获得好几个编译错误。问题出在SCRIBBLEDOC。H 文件: 

// forward declaration of data structure class 

class CStroke; 

class CScribbleDoc : public CDocument 




class CStroke : public CObject 




 并不是程序设计上有什么错误,你只要把CStroke 的声明由CScribbleDoc 之后搬移到 

 CScribbleDoc 之前即可。由此观之,VC++ 4。2 和VC++ 5。0  的编译器似乎不支持forward 

 declaration 。真是没道理! 

SCRIBBLEDOC。CPP            (阴影表示与Step0 的差异) 

#0001  #include 〃stdafx。h〃 

#0002  #include 〃Scribble。h〃 


#0004  #include 〃ScribbleDoc。h〃 


#0006  #ifdef _DEBUG 

#0007  #define new DEBUG_NEW 

#0008  #undef THIS_FILE 

#0009  static char THIS_FILE'' = __FILE__; 

#0010  #endif 


#0012  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

#0013  // CScribbleDoc 


#0015  IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CScribbleDoc; CDocument) 


#0017  BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScribbleDoc; CDocument) 

#0018          //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CScribbleDoc) 

#0019              // NOTE the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here。 

#0020              // DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code! 

#0021          //}}AFX_MSG_MAP 



#0024  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 


…………………………………………………………Page 540……………………………………………………………

                    第篇    深入  MFC  程式設計 

                    #0025  // CScribbleDoc construction/destruction 


                    #0027  CScribbleDoc::CScribbleDoc() 

                    #0028  { 

                    #0029          // TODO: add one…time construction code here 


                    #0031  } 


                    #0033  CScribbleDoc::~CScribbleDoc() 

                    #0034  { 

                    #0035  } 


                    #0037  BOOL CScribbleDoc::OnNewDocument() 

                    #0038  { 

                    #0039          if (!CDocument::OnNewDocument()) 

                    #0040                  return FALSE; 

                    #0041          InitDocument(); 

                    #0042          return TRUE; 

                    #0043  } 


                    #0045  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

                    #0046  // CScribbleDoc serialization 


                    #0048  void CScribbleDoc::Serialize(CArchive& ar) 

                    #0049  { 

                    #0050          if (ar。IsStoring()) 

                    #0051          { 

                    #0052          } 

                    #0053          else 

                    #0054          { 

                    #0055          } 

                    #0056          m_strokeList。Serialize(ar); 

                    #0057  } 


                    #0059  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

                    #0060  // CScribbleDoc diagnostics 


                    #0062  #ifdef _DEBUG 

                    #0063  void CScribbleDoc::AssertValid() const 

                    #0064  { 

                    #0065          CDocument::AssertValid(); 

                    #0066  } 


                    #0068  void CScribbleDoc::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const 

                    #0069  { 

                    #0070          CDocument::Dump(dc); 

                    #0071  } 

                    #0072  #endif //_DEBUG 


…………………………………………………………Page 541……………………………………………………………

                                                    第8章    Document…View  深入探討 


#0074  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

#0075  // CScribbleDoc mands 


#0077  BOOL CScribbleDoc::OnOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName) 

#0078  { 

#0079          if (!CDocument::OnOpenDocument(lpszPathName)) 

#0080                  return FALSE; 

#0081          InitDocument(); 

#0082          return TRUE; 

#0083  } 


#0085  void CScribbleDoc::DeleteContents() 

#0086  { 

#0087          while (!m_strokeList。IsEmpty()) 

#0088          { 

#0089                  delete m_strokeList。RemoveHead(); 

#0090          } 

#0091          CDocument::DeleteContents(); 

#0092  } 


#0094  void CScribbleDoc::InitDocument() 

#0095  { 

#0096          m_nPenWidth = 2; // default 2 pixel pen width 

#0097          // solid; black pen 

#0098          m_penCur。CreatePen(PS_SOLID; m_nPenWidth; RGB(0;0;0)); 

#0099  } 


#0101  CStroke* CScribbleDoc::NewStroke() 

#0102  { 

#0103          CStroke* pStrokeItem = new CStroke(m_nPenWidth); 

#0104          m_strokeList。AddTail(pStrokeItem); 

#0105          SetModifiedFlag();  // Mark the document as having been modified; for 

#0106                                 // purposes of confirming File Close。 

#0107          return pStrokeItem; 

#0108  } 





#0113  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

#0114  // CStroke 


#0116  IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(CStroke; CObject; 1) 

#0117  CStroke::CStroke() 

#0118  { 

#0119          // This empty constructor should be used by serialization only 

#0120  } 


…………………………………………………………Page 542……………………………………………………………

                    第篇    深入  MFC  程式設計 


                    #0122  CStroke::CStroke(UINT nPenWidth) 

                    #0123  { 

                    #0124          m_nPenWidth = nPenWidth; 

                    #0125  } 


                    #0127  void CStroke::Serialize(CArchive& ar) 

                    #0128  { 

                    #0129          if (ar。IsStoring()) 

                    #0130          { 

                    #0131                  ar 》 w; 

                    #0138                  m_nPenWidth = w; 

                    #0139                  m_pointArray。Serialize(ar); 

                    #0140          } 

                    #0141  } 


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