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#0212  { 

#0213          CPenWidthsDlg dlg; 

#0214          // Initialize dialog data 

#0215          dlg。m_nThinWidth = m_nThinWidth; 

#0216          dlg。m_nThickWidth = m_nThickWidth; 


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                    #0218          // Invoke the dialog box 

                    #0219          if (dlg。DoModal() == IDOK) 

                    #0220          { 

                    #0221                  // retrieve the dialog data 

                    #0222                  m_nThinWidth = dlg。m_nThinWidth; 

                    #0223                  m_nThickWidth = dlg。m_nThickWidth; 


                    #0225                  // Update the pen that is used by views when drawing new strokes; 

                    #0226                  // to reflect the new pen width definitions for 〃thick〃 and 〃thin〃。 

                    #0227                  ReplacePen(); 

                    #0228          } 

                    #0229  } 


                    #0231  void CStroke::FinishStroke() 

                    #0232  { 

                    #0233          // Calculate the bounding rectangle。  It's needed for smart 

                    #0234          // repainting。 


                    #0236          if (m_pointArray。GetSize()==0) 

                    #0237          { 

                    #0238                  m_rectBounding。SetRectEmpty(); 

                    #0239                  return; 

                    #0240          } 

                    #0241          CPoint pt = m_pointArray'0'; 

                    #0242          m_rectBounding = CRect(pt。x; pt。y; pt。x; pt。y); 


                    #0244          for (int i=1; i 《 m_pointArray。GetSize(); i++) 

                    #0245          { 

                    #0246                  // If the point lies outside of the accumulated bounding 

                    #0247                  // rectangle; then inflate the bounding rect to include it。 

                    #0248                  pt = m_pointArray'i'; 

                    #0249                  m_rectBounding。left     = min(m_rectBounding。left; pt。x); 

                    #0250                  m_rectBounding。right    = max(m_rectBounding。right; pt。x); 

                    #0251                  m_rectBounding。top      = max(m_rectBounding。top; pt。y); 

                    #0252                  m_rectBounding。bottom   = min(m_rectBounding。bottom; pt。y); 

                    #0253          } 


                    #0255          // Add the pen width to the bounding rectangle。  This is necessary 

                    #0256          // to account for the width of the stroke when invalidating 

                    #0257          // the screen。 

                    #0258          m_rectBounding。InflateRect(CSize(m_nPenWidth; …(int)m_nPenWidth)); 

                    #0259          return; 

                    #0260  } 


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                                                   附錄B    Scribble Step5  完整原始碼 


#0001  class CScribbleView : public CScrollView 

#0002  { 

#0003  protected: // create from serialization only 

#0004          CScribbleView(); 

#0005          DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CScribbleView) 


#0007  // Attributes 

#0008  public: 

#0009          CScribbleDoc* GetDocument(); 


#0011  protected: 

#0012          CStroke*    m_pStrokeCur;   // the stroke in progress 

#0013          CPoint      m_ptPrev;  // the last mouse pt in the stroke in progress 


#0015  // Operations 

#0016  public: 


#0018  // Overrides 

#0019          // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides 

#0020          //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CScribbleView) 

#0021          public: 

#0022          virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC);  // overridden to draw this view 

#0023          virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs); 

#0024          virtual void OnInitialUpdate(); 

#0025          protected: 

#0026          virtual BOOL OnPreparePrinting(CPrintInfo* pInfo); 

#0027          virtual void OnBeginPrinting(CDC* pDC; CPrintInfo* pInfo); 

#0028          virtual void OnEndPrinting(CDC* pDC; CPrintInfo* pInfo); 

#0029          virtual void OnUpdate(CView* pSender; LPARAM lHint; CObject* pHint); 

#0030          virtual void OnPrint(CDC* pDC; CPrintInfo* pInfo); 

#0031          //}}AFX_VIRTUAL 


#0033  // Implementation 

#0034  public: 

#0035          void PrintTitlePage(CDC* pDC; CPrintInfo* pInfo); 

#0036          void PrintPageHeader(CDC* pDC; CPrintInfo* pInfo; CString& strHeader); 

#0037          virtual ~CScribbleView(); 

#0038  #ifdef _DEBUG 

#0039          virtual void AssertValid() const; 

#0040          virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; 

#0041  #endif 


#0043  protected: 



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                   #0045  // Generated message map functions 

                   #0046  protected: 

                   #0047          //{{AFX_MSG(CScribbleView) 

                   #0048          afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags; CPoint point); 

                   #0049          afx_msg void OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags; CPoint point); 

                   #0050          afx_msg void OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags; CPoint point); 

                   #0051          //}}AFX_MSG 

                   #0052          DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() 

                   #0053  }; 


                   #0055  #ifndef _DEBUG  // debug version in ScribVw。cpp 

                   #0056  inline CScribbleDoc* CScribbleView::GetDocument() 

                   #0057     { return (CScribbleDoc*)m_pDocument; } 

                   #0058  #endif 


                   #0001  #include 〃stdafx。h〃 

                   #0002  #include 〃Scribble。h〃 


                   #0004  #include 〃ScribDoc。h〃 

                   #0005  #include 〃ScribVw。h〃 


                   #0007  #ifdef _DEBUG 

                   #0008  #define new DEBUG_NEW 

                   #0009  #undef THIS_FILE 

                   #0010  static char THIS_FILE'' = __FILE__; 

                   #0011  #endif 


                   #0013  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

                   #0014  // CScribbleView 


                   #0016  IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CScribbleView; CScrollView) 


                   #0018  BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScribbleView; CScrollView) 

                   #0019          //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CScribbleView) 

                   #0020          ON_WM_LBUTTONDOWN() 

                   #0021          ON_WM_LBUTTONUP() 

                   #0022          ON_WM_MOUSEMOVE() 

                   #0023          //}}AFX_MSG_MAP 

                   #0024          // Standard printing mands 

                   #0025          ON_MAND(ID_FILE_PRINT; CView::OnFilePrint) 

                   #0026          ON_MAND(ID_FILE_PRINT_DIRECT; CView::OnFilePrint) 

                   #0027          ON_MAND(ID_FILE_PRINT_PREVIEW; CView::OnFilePrintPreview) 

                   #0028  END_MESSAGE_MAP() 



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                                                   附錄B    Scribble Step5  完整原始碼 

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