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#0337    ID_FILE_PRINT_PREVIEW 〃Display full pagesnPrint Preview〃 

#0338    ID_FILE_SEND_MAIL     〃Send the active document through electronic 

mailnSend Mail〃 

#0339  END 



#0342  BEGIN 

#0343    ID_APP_ABOUT  〃Display program information; version No。 and copyrightnAbout〃 

#0344    ID_APP_EXIT   〃Quit the application; prompts to save documentsnExit〃 

#0345  END 



#0348  BEGIN 

#0349      ID_FILE_MRU_FILE1     〃Open this document〃 

#0350      ID_FILE_MRU_FILE2     〃Open this document〃 

#0351      ID_FILE_MRU_FILE3     〃Open this document〃 

#0352      ID_FILE_MRU_FILE4     〃Open this document〃 

#0353  END 



…………………………………………………………Page 974……………………………………………………………

                   第五篇    附錄  

                   #0355  STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE 

                   #0356  BEGIN 

                   #0357      ID_NEXT_PANE          〃Switch to the next window panenNext Pane〃 

                   #0358      ID_PREV_PANE          〃Switch back to the previous window panenPrevious Pane〃 

                   #0359  END 


                   #0361  STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE 

                   #0362  BEGIN 

                   #0363    ID_WINDOW_NEW      〃Open another window for the active documentnNew Window〃 

                   #0364    ID_WINDOW_ARRANGE 〃Arrange icons at the bottom of the windownArrange Icons〃 

                   #0365    ID_WINDOW_CASCADE 〃Arrange windows so they overlapnCascade Windows〃 

                   #0366    ID_WINDOW_TILE_HORZ  〃Arrange windows as non…overlapping tilesnTile Windows〃 

                   #0367    ID_WINDOW_TILE_VERT  〃Arrange windows as non…overlapping tilesnTile Windows〃 

                   #0368    ID_WINDOW_SPLIT       〃Split the active window into panesnSplit〃 

                   #0369  END 


                   #0371  STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE 

                   #0372  BEGIN 

                   #0373      ID_EDIT_CLEAR         〃Erase the selectionnErase〃 

                   #0374      ID_EDIT_CLEAR_ALL     〃Clears the drawing〃 

                   #0375      ID_EDIT_COPY          〃Copy the selection and put it on the ClipboardnCopy〃 

                   #0376      ID_EDIT_CUT           〃Cut the selection and put it on the ClipboardnCut〃 

                   #0377      ID_EDIT_FIND          〃Find the specified textnFind〃 

                   #0378      ID_EDIT_PASTE         〃Insert Clipboard contentsnPaste〃 

                   #0379      ID_EDIT_REPEAT        〃Repeat the last actionnRepeat〃 

                   #0380      ID_EDIT_REPLACE       〃Replace specific text with different textnReplace〃 

                   #0381      ID_EDIT_SELECT_ALL    〃Select the entire documentnSelect All〃 

                   #0382      ID_EDIT_UNDO          〃Undo the last actionnUndo〃 

                   #0383      ID_EDIT_REDO          〃Redo the previously undone actionnRedo〃 

                   #0384  END 


                   #0386  STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE 

                   #0387  BEGIN 

                   #0388      ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR       〃Show or hide the toolbarnToggle ToolBar〃 

                   #0389      ID_VIEW_STATUS_BAR    〃Show or hide the status barnToggle StatusBar〃 

                   #0390  END 


                   #0392  STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE 

                   #0393  BEGIN 

                   #0394      AFX_IDS_SCSIZE        〃Change the window size〃 

                   #0395      AFX_IDS_SCMOVE        〃Change the window position〃 

                   #0396      AFX_IDS_SCMINIMIZE    〃Reduce the window to an icon〃 

                   #0397      AFX_IDS_SCMAXIMIZE    〃Enlarge the window to full size〃 

                   #0398      AFX_IDS_SCNEXTWINDOW  〃Switch to the next document window〃 

                   #0399      AFX_IDS_SCPREVWINDOW  〃Switch to the previous document window〃 

                   #0400      AFX_IDS_SCCLOSE  〃Close the active window and prompts to save the documents〃 


…………………………………………………………Page 975……………………………………………………………

                                                   附錄B    Scribble Step5  完整原始碼 

#0401  END 



#0404  BEGIN 

#0405      AFX_IDS_SCRESTORE     〃Restore the window to normal size〃 

#0406      AFX_IDS_SCTASKLIST    〃Activate Task List〃 

#0407      AFX_IDS_MDICHILD      〃Activate this window〃 

#0408  END 



#0411  BEGIN 

#0412      AFX_IDS_PREVIEW_CLOSE 〃Close print preview modenCancel Preview〃 

#0413  END 



#0416  BEGIN 

#0417      AFX_IDS_DESKACCESSORY 〃Opens the selected item〃 

#0418  END 



#0421  BEGIN 

#0422      ID_PEN_THICK_OR_THIN  〃Toggles the line thickness between thin and 

thicknToggle pen〃 

#0423      ID_PEN_WIDTHS         〃Sets the size of the thin and thick pen〃 

#0424  END 


#0426  #endif    // English (U。S。) resources 

#0427  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 




#0431  #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED 

#0432  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

#0433  // 

#0434  // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource。 

#0435  // 


#0437  #define _AFX_NO_OLE_RESOURCES 




#0441  #include 〃resScribble。rc2〃  // non…Microsoft Visual C++ edited resources 

#0442  #include 〃afxres。rc〃         // Standard ponents 

#0443  #include 〃afxprint。rc〃       // printing/print preview resources 


#0445  #endif    // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED 


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                 第五篇    附錄  


…………………………………………………………Page 977……………………………………………………………

                              附錄C    Visual C++ 5。0 範例程式樱А


               Visual C++ 5。0 

           MFC 範例程式一樱А

經過整本書的鍛鍊,我想你已經對於整個  MFC  的架構有了相當紮實的瞭解,對於我所 

謂的「程式設計主軸」已經能夠掌握。接來,就是學習十八般武藝的  MFC classes 。 

Visual C++  附有極為豐富的範例程式,包括各種主睿纾骸


…………………………………………………………Page 978……………………………………………………………

                        第五篇    附錄  

                        其使用  MFC  來設計程式的例子極多(其他部份使用  SDK  工具),是個大寶庫。 

                        我把所有以  MFC  開發的範例程式以字母為序,列於表供你參考。 

                        程式名稱               說明 

                        ACDUAL             Demonstrates how to add dual interface support to an MFC…based 

                                           Automation server。 

                        AUTOCLIK           Tutorial example illustrating Automation features in Visual C++ Tutorials。 

                        AUTODRIV           A simple Automation client application that drives the AUTOCLIK tutorial 

                                           sample application。 

                        BINDENRL           Databound controls in a dialog…based application with property pages。 

                        BINDSCRB           Illustration of the use of new  interfaces to ponents currently 

                                           supported by the Microsoft Office suite of products。 

                        CALCDRIV           Automation client。 

                        CATALOG            Illustration of direct calls t
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