按键盘上方向键 ← 或 → 可快速上下翻页,按键盘上的 Enter 键可回到本书目录页,按键盘上方向键 ↑ 可回到本页顶部!
import java。awt。*;
import java。awt。event。*;
import java。applet。*;
import java。util。*;
class Beast {
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x; y; // Screen position
currentSpeed; // Pixels per second
float currentDirection; // Radians
Color color; // Fill color
FieldOBeasts field; // Where the Beast roams
static final int GSIZE = 10; // Graphic size
public Beast(FieldOBeasts f; int x; int y;
float cD; int cS; Color c) {
field = f;
this。x = x;
this。y = y;
currentDirection = cD;
currentSpeed = cS;
color = c;
public void step() {
// You move based on those within your sight:
Vector seen = field。beastListInSector(this);
// If you're not out in front
if(seen。size() 》 0) {
// Gather data on those you see
int totalSpeed = 0;
float totalBearing = 0。0f ;
float distanceToNearest = 100000。0f;
Beast nearestBeast =
Enumeration e = seen。elements();
while(e。hasMoreElements()) {
Beast aBeast = (Beast) e。nextElement();
totalSpeed += aBeast。currentSpeed;
float bearing =
x; y; currentDirection);
totalBearing += bearing;
float distanceToBeast =
aBeast。distanceFromPoint(x; y);
if(distanceToBeast 《 distanceToNearest) {
nearestBeast = aBeast;
distanceToNearest = distanceToBeast;
// Rule 1: Match average speed of those
// in the list:
currentSpeed = totalSpeed / seen。size();
// Rule 2: Move towards the perceived
// center of gravity of the herd:
currentDirection =
totalBearing / seen。size();
// Rule 3: Maintain a minimum distance
// from those around you:
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if(distanceToNearest field。maxSpeed) {
currentSpeed = field。maxSpeed;
else { // You are in front; so slow down
currentSpeed =
(int)(currentSpeed * field。decayRate);
// Make the beast move:
x += (int)(Math。cos(currentDirection)
* currentSpeed);
y += (int)(Math。sin(currentDirection)
* currentSpeed);
x %= field。xExtent;
y %= field。yExtent;
if(x 《 0)
x += field。xExtent;
if(y 《 0)
y += field。yExtent;
public float bearingFromPointAlongAxis (
int originX; int originY; float axis) {
// Returns bearing angle of the current Beast
// in the world coordiante system
try {
double bearingInRadians =
(this。y originY) /
(this。x originX));
// Inverse tan has two solutions; so you
// have to correct for other quarters:
if(x 《 originX) {
if(y 《 originY) {
bearingInRadians += (float)Math。PI;
else {
bearingInRadians =
(float)Math。PI bearingInRadians;
// Just subtract the axis (in radians):
return (float) (axis bearingInRadians);
} catch(ArithmeticException aE) {
// Divide by 0 error possible on this
if(x 》 originX) {
return 0;
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return (float) Math。PI;
public float distanceFromPoint(int x1; int y1){
return (float) Math。sqrt(
Math。pow(x1 x; 2) +
Math。pow(y1 y; 2));
public Point position() {
return new Point(x; y);
// Beasts know how to draw themselves:
public void draw(Graphics g) {
int directionInDegrees = (int)(
(currentDirection * 360) / (2 * Math。PI));
int startAngle = directionInDegrees
int endAngle = 90;
g。fillArc(x; y; GSIZE; GSIZE;
startAngle; endAngle);
public class FieldOBeasts extends Applet
implements Runnable {
private Vector beasts;
static float
fieldOfView =
(float) (Math。PI / 4); // In radians
// Deceleration % per second:
decayRate = 1。0f;
minimumDistance = 10f; // In pixels
static int
halfFieldOfView = (int)(
(fieldOfView * 360) / (2 * Math。PI));
xExtent = 0;
yExtent = 0;
numBeasts = 50;
maxSpeed = 20; // Pixels/second
boolean uniqueColors = true;
Thread thisThread;
int delay = 25;
public void init() {
if (xExtent == 0 && yExtent == 0) {
xExtent = Integer。parseInt(
yExtent = Integer。parseInt(
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beasts =
makeBeastVector(numBeasts; uniqueColors);
// Now start the beasts a…rovin':
thisThread = new Thread(this);
public void run() {
while(true) {
for(int i = 0; i 《 beasts。size(); i++){
Beast b = (Beast) beasts。elementAt(i);
try {
} catch(InterruptedException ex){}
repaint(); // Otherwise it won't update
Vector makeBeastVector(
int quantity; boolean uniqueColors) {
Vector newBeasts = new Vector();
Random generator = new Random();
// Used only if uniqueColors is on:
double cubeRootOfBeastNumber =
Math。pow((double)numBeasts; 1。0 / 3。0);
float colorCubeStepSize =
(float) (1。0 / cubeRootOfBeastNumber);
float r = 0。0f;
float g = 0。0f;
float b = 0。0f;
for(int i = 0; i 《 quantity; i++) {
int x =
(int) (generator。nextFloat() * xExtent);
if(x 》 xExtent Beast。GSIZE)
x …= Beast。GSIZE;
int y =
(int) (generator。nextFloat() * yExtent);
if(y 》 yExtent Beast。GSIZE)
y …= Beast。GSIZE;
float direction = (float)(
generator。nextFloat() * 2 * Math。PI);
int speed = (int)(
generator。nextFloat() * (float)maxSpeed);
if(uniqueColors) {
r += colorCubeStepSize;
if(r 》 1。0) {
r …= 1。0f;
g += colorCubeStepSize;
if( g 》 1。0) {
g …= 1。0f;
b += colorCubeStepSize;
if(b 》 1。0)
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b …= 1。0f;
new Beast(this; x; y; direction; speed;
new Color(r;g;b)));